The applicant will develop its capacity to provide integrated social services in four community centres situated in disadvantaged areas from Câmpia Turzii and Cluj-Napoca towns and in two villages, Popeşti and Viişoara, through educational and counseling activities.This will contribute to the school inclusion of disadvantaged children in order to prevent school drop out and increase the development of social skills to help them overcome critical situations they have to face with in their family or at school, to develop their self-esteem, gain confidence in their ability to ensure their future existence avoiding thus marginalization and social exclusion. 150 children and 80 -100 parents will be selected from the target group of the project: disadvantaged families with children at risk. The social and educational services will be provided to the beneficiaries by 29 experts in multidisciplinary teams. 58 persons will directly contribute to the project development out of them 35 being experts. The project will be implemented in intersectorial partnership between local authorities, educational institutions, and NGOs.
Summary of project results
The rate of early school leavers has lately increased in Romania to 17.5% according to a study published by UNICEF Romania and the Ministry of National Education ("All Children in School by 2015"). The same study highlighted the main reasons for school dropout: poverty, limited parental education, lack of adequate school mechanisms to recognise and address these issues in due time. The main objectives of the project "Quality Education is for all!" were to facilitate school inclusion of children belonging to disadvantaged families from Câmpia Turzii, Cluj-Napoca, and Viişoara - Cluj county and Popeşti - Bihor county, support children to develop better social skills in order to help them overcome the difficult situations they face in their family and school environments and to increase their self-esteem. The 281 beneficiaries (153 pupils and 128 parents), out of which 142 were Roma, come from disadvantaged backgrounds with a precarious economic and social status, inadequate housing conditions, insufficient or inappropriate food, lack of school supplies and a low educational level of parents. Through the project, they benefited of social services, counselling sessions, educational and personal development activities aiming to prevent school failure. As a result of the project, out of the 109 pupils identified with school performance below grade level at the initial assessment, 88 (80%) improved their grades and avoided school dropout. Out of the 153 pupils included in the project, only three of them did not continue their studies (due to medical reasons or because they went abroad with their parents). Psychological, parental, educational, and social counselling sessions helped 103 parents realise the importance of education and of their role as key persons in influencing their children’s academic route.
Summary of bilateral results