Bridges for Resources - Resources for Communities

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association for Community Relations
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Young adults
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 74,896
The project is carried out in:


In order to be strong, nonprofit organizations in Romania need to connect and find support within their local communities. One way to do this is by building a strong base of individual donors. The project aims first of all to offer and promote easy to use and transparent donation mechanisms for the individual donors and second to develop the skills and knowledge of nonprofit organizations to fundraise and build long term relationship with their donors. One million citizens are informed about donation mechanisms; 300.000 people donate for a favorite cause; 40 fundraising campaigns that use transparent mechanisms will be organized; 1 million Euro will be raised to support the activity of NGOs; 120 nonprofits benefit from the fundraising resources and services developed in the project. a donation platform offering opportunities for SMS campaigns, direct debit, online giving, a public campaign promoting the act of giving, fundraising consultancy, conferences and training for nonprofits

Summary of project results

The project aimed at creating a positive context where individuals can donate, get involved and have a good donor experience. In the same time it helped Romanian NGOs to connect with the communities they serve and improve their financial sustainability by developing their individual donor data base. The main results in the project are: (1) Two new easy to use and transparent giving mechanisms implemented: recurrent SMS donations (which allow donors to monthly donate 2 euros by sending one SMS) and 4 euro SMS. The recurrent SMS solves the anonymity of the donors in SMS campaigns, as NGOs can contact the donors and initiate a sustainable relationship with them. (2) Almost 100 SMS fundraising campaigns implemented by NGOs. (3) Over 1.000.000 donations made through SMS campaigns and direct debit donations. (4) 3.017.685 Euro mobilised through donations during the entire project period. (5) Introducing the topic of smart donations. Discussing about being an active donor, having a good donor experience, using easy-to-use and transparent donation mechanisms; over 100 articles, video and radio materials were released during two communication campaigns that reached more than 1.500.000 middle class citizens as potential donors. (6) The “Week of Generosity” - a campaign which promoted donating and offered 7 examples of reliable and accountable NGOs that have a great impact in their field of work. (7) Celebrating the philanthropic behaviour of Romania's citizens during a special edition of the “People for People Gala” which had a special focus on individual philanthropy. Almost 170 nominations were registered in the competition, and they altogether mobilized over 18 million euro. (8) Developing the capacity of 120 NGOs, represented by almost 250 participants, to work with individual donors through the training events in the project: the National Fundraising Conference, 4 training events, and consultancy sessions. The focus of these meetings was recruiting individual donors through reliable methods and cultivating donors. (9) 6 NGOs received fundraising consultancy (14 consultancy days), 6.000 new individual donors, 7 new fundraising methods implemented, more than 40.000 Euro raised. (10) Developing a Donor Manual, intended for both NGOs who work with individual donors and donors who want to make smart donation.

Summary of bilateral results