The problem of education for sustainable development is a not sufficiently addressed issue in Romania. Educate aboout the Black Sea aims to reduce human impact on the environment through environmental education, promotion and implementation of sustainable development principles. The project will contribute to the improvement of life quality of current and future generations. The non-formal education program will be developed and promoted to all educational institutions in Constanța through effective collaboration between all segments of the educational sector. As a result of the project, an action plan will be developed for the educational sector in the theme of sustainable development with application to the Black Sea coastal zone; a training program for school-teachers will be developed and promoted in the theme of main methods in non-formal education described and published in a guide called “Non – formal methods for environmental education". At least 500 people will be trained (teachers, volunteers, students, experts, citizens) who will help to inform and to empower children, students and general public to contribute to the sustainable development.
Summary of project results
„Educate about the Black Sea” was a project aimed at reducing human impact on the environment through the promotion and implementation of sustainable development principles, using environmental education. Within the project, an educational action plan for sustainable development has been developed, one that can be applied to the Black Sea area and the coastal belt. A guide called "Modern Methods of Education for Sustainable Development" was also elaborated and printed, which includes a collection of non-formal education methods. This was used to train 84 teachers to facilitate their work with students in order to present them the principles of environmental education. The activities of the project were miscellaneous: 6 visits with pupils in protected areas of Dobrogea; 163 terrestrial and 20 aquatic monitoring actions for data collection about stranded dolphins or accidental catches, involving students and volunteers; 89 awareness raising actions and information sessions in different classrooms about environmental issues; 2 debates for students; contests dedicated to schools, involving students, parents and teachers. Through these activities more than 6,500 students, teachers, volunteers and citizens had the opportunity to discover the benefits of the environment and got to know more about the problems it faces. In this way they became more respectful and responsible towards nature, and they’ve earned a better understanding about the importance of environmental education. In order to inform the public about important environmental issues 3 exhibitions of thematic panels were organized in different parks of Constanta. The panels treat the following themes: "Black Sea in pictures", "Forest comes to town" and "Waste from A to Z". Tourists have been informed through information panels mounted at the beach during the summer season, about the importance of maintaining the cleanness of the beach. Also, an informational and awareness raising campaign was launched about the harmful environmental effects of cigarette butts on the beach. The campaign aimed tourists and 10,000 people were informed. Within the project a web portal called “Education and sustainable development” - was developed. The portal is created to help people to understand, learn and begin to practice the sustainable development education principles.
Summary of bilateral results