Lack of support services that addresses specific needs of young people with autism, thus a very low quality of life and exclusion especially of this age group of people with autism and for their families is a reality in Romania; also schools do not prepare children with autism for adult life, the transition to next level of education and for adulthood is not regulated, despite of its importance for children with special needs. The objective of the project is to increase the possibilities of young people with autism to be more successfully included and participative in the community and family life. The project will put the basis for an innovative model of support services for young people with autism, increase awareness for their needs, support positive changes in educational system. A multipurpose autism resources center for adolescences and young people with autism and their families will be created, where they will be involved in different activities tailored to their needs, a model of approaching transition from school to adulthood issues will be ways to address identified challenges.
Summary of project results
In Romania, services for young people with autism do not cover the needs and specificities of this target group. In absence of community services tailored to their specific needs, after graduation, they face isolation, psychological and physical degradation while their families need to cope with new long term challenges regarding the quality of life of their children. Through the project, a multifunctional centre for services and resources in autism was developed. 20 young people and more than 70 parents and teachers attended specific activities. The services and activities for young people with autism aimed at contributing to their wellbeing and social integration. Young people with low functioning autism benefited of occupational therapy - activities for the development of life skills, fine motor skills and social activities. Young people with high-functioning autism and Asperger syndrome received support for facilitating employment, such as vocational counselling and work mediation; 7 young people were included in a programme of volunteer work / apprenticeship for 1-2 months at public and private employers, 9 young people participated in a Job Club. The web portal Autism Connections and guide for employers were developed as informational resources. These resources aimed at raising awareness on the particularities of people with autism, who can be effective employees if they are understood and supported by employers and there are available minimum adaptations at the work place. There was developed a model of a transition plan from school to community life for students with autism who turn 14. The plan builds on the coordination of institutions, resources, services and actions of all those involved in student’s / young person’s life, in order to facilitate post-graduation inclusion in the community. Recommendations were sent to Ministries of Education, Labour and Health, in order to improve specific legislation. A guideline on transition from school to community life, for students and young people suffering from autism, was also elaborated.
Summary of bilateral results