Community Development through Education and Culture

Project facts

Project promoter:
Solidarity and Hope Foundation - Săvinești branch
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 7,348
The project is carried out in:


The project " Community Development Through Education and Culture" proposed by Solidarity and Hope Foundation Iasi, Săvineşti branch aims to improve the situation of a group belonging mostly to the Roma minority, faced with extreme poverty, inadequate housing, unemployment, exclusion from the community from village Săvinești, Neamț county. The objective of the project is to reduce exclusion and dropout rates, improve life skills of 30 Roma and Romanian children and 20 Roma and Romanian adults belonging to the above mentioned group, and to increase community involvement while improving relations between the Roma and Romanian community in Săvineşti. This objective is to be achieved through a complex of educational and cultural activities, art therapy, and through information, counseling and training, as well through group involvement together with other community members in activities of major importance for the community.

Summary of project results

The project "Community Development through Education and Culture" offered support to improving life conditions of a mostly Roma minority group facing extreme poverty, inadequate housing conditions, unemployment, exclusion from the community. The project was carried out in Săvinești, a rural community which used to host a huge chemical platform during communist regime, with approx. 10,000 employees. After the ‘90s, the industry in the area began to collapse, most of the workers became unemployed and some blocks of flats which had been built for these workers remained empty. Soon, they were inhabited by homeless people, very poor individuals or families coming from socially challenged environments, both Roma and Romanians. When their children started school, major differences in school results and integration abilities were noticed, most of them linked to poor living conditions (most of the blocks lack electricity, running water, sometimes even windows). Therefore, this project aimed at improving their education level and life skills in order to start achieving another important goal: integration into the community. The direct beneficiaries of the project were 33 children (out of which 18 Roma) and 25 parents. The activities that lead to achieving this aim included an after-school programme for primary school disadvantaged children, which offered help with homework, as well as creating 3 thematic teams: Romanian folk dances, traditional Roma dances and rhythmic gymnastics. During the project, the children performed a dance show, celebrating winter traditions; the show also included an exhibition of their handwork. 6 workshops at the Parents' Club were organized, focusing on hygiene rules and rights and obligations regarding various social services. The Parents' Club included traditional Roma craft workshops too. Two press conferences were organized and during these events the adults also exhibited the objects they created during these Roma craft workshops. The project had a great impact because it managed to inform the community to a greater extent on problems and issues that the targeted group has to deal with. In the same time, the target group increased its level of awareness over their own needs and the possible solutions. The participants reported an increased feeling of property and responsibility over the activities and therefore attended the activities and got involved throughout the project.

Summary of bilateral results