The aim of the project is that of building the capacity of the NGO Coalition for Structural Funds, in order to ensure an increased involvement of the civil society in the programming and management of European funds. The NGO Coalition for Structural Funds will develop a new and improved working strategy and internal procedures, will develop its advocacy capacity and will promote improvement proposals for the 2014-2020 funding mechanisms. Among the most important results: evaluation and European procedures training for 20 people working in the member NGOs, expertise exchange with a similar European structure, a supporters data base with at least 300 initial contacts, a long term monitoring mechanism, a set of improvement requests for 2014-2020 funding mechanisms, a set of amendments related to programming documents, a published analysis of the cost-benefit ratio in the projects implemented so far by NGOs with European money etc. Beneficiaries: 29 NGO Coalition for Structural Funds member organizations, all relevant public authorities, NGOs and other stakeholders that have accessed European Funds so far.
Summary of project results
The project achieved its purpose - to enforce the capacity of the NGO Coalition for Structural Funds to closely monitor the programming process of structural funds for the financial period 2014 - 2020. Based on the experience gained since 2006 in the pre-accession and preparation of period 2007 - 2013, the coalition has sought to consolidate permanent structure, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The project served the purpose of the coalition to transform into a relevant structure for the NGO sector and structural funds implementation. Since the beginning of the project in July 2014 and to its end in April 2016, the membership base has expanded with 11 members, from 29 to 40. During the project, the coalition reacted when irregularities were noticed in the process of enclosing 2007 - 2013 programming period and has been proactive, nominating the most relevant experts within working groups or advisory committees aimed at preparing period 2014 - 2020. From all the interactions with relevant authorities, a document of recommendations was developed, consisting in programme management principles for 2014 - 2020, as well as other 4 sets of recommendations that include specific suggestions for improving the documents' framework or legislative initiatives. Because the institutional and the political contexts have seriously affected the operational programmes starting in the year 2014 - 2020, no real estimation can be made regarding the impact of coalition’s activities in the last two years on beneficiaries. By the end of the project there was no opening call within 2014 – 2020 programming period and there were no bills adopted by the government in order to ensure the proper kick-off for the next programming period. Therefore, the coalition will continue to monitor the effective operationalisation of the recommendations over time and will continue to engage with the responsible authorities.
Summary of bilateral results