The Roma are one of the Europe's most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. In Calvini Commune, Romania, there is a need to find more efficient ways to address to the vulnerable people and involve them in activities in such a manner, as to reflect the specific socio-demographic context in which these people live. The objective of the project is to empower the vulnerable population in Calvini Commune by increasing the efficiency of informative-educational process, facilitating the access to educational, economic and social opportunities and fostering active citizenship. The project is expected to increase education and awareness of population in different areas (economic, social, and educational), stimulate active citizenship and improve the inter-ethnic dialogue through respect for cultural diversity. School after school Program for primary school pupils, public debates to encourage active citizenship and entrepreneurship and activities meant to cultivate civic education and volunteering are ways to address all the project's challenges. School pupils, youth and adults will benefit from this project.
Summary of project results
The main objective of the project was to raise the efficiency of the educational process which ensures the development the inter-ethnic community. Although a series of projects were implemented in the past 3 years, there is a serious need to find a more efficient approach to involve vulnerable persons, reflecting the specific socio-demographic context. The project aimed at facilitating the access to educational, economic and social opportunities as well as cultivating the citizenship of people living in Calvin commune. The target group consisted of the 4,536 inhabitants of the commune, direct beneficiaries being 165 pupils, 40 parents, 10 volunteers and 120 men and women. During the implementation period remedial education activities for pupils that have big difficulties learning to read and write, mainly at primary schools, were carried out. These children were helped with lessons and also received one meal per day. The children with learning difficulties came from very poor families; this is in fact the main reason why they skip classes regularly. What helped them to overcome the critical threshold of quitting school were the warm food and attention, the support to learn and the participation to the artistic and educational activities. Another successful activity was the one dedicated to 25 young Roma adults who participated in an entrepreneurship course and in human rights' promotion activities. One of the campaigns organised by the young Roma adults was "Say no to discrimination!” which helped raise awareness on human rights issues and civic participation. This activity was attended by 70 students, parents and teachers. The theme of the information sessions and the discussion topics were: human rights, minority rights, juvenile delinquency, child abuse, alcohol prevention, illegal drugs.
Summary of bilateral results