Women and Roma women are two groups of citizens whose interests are found only tangential on local agendas. As education, health, social assistance is the traditional women fields of activity, they are also the most affected by the crisis, restructuring and spending cuts. National strategies of equal opportunities for Roma inclusion or women's issues, propose activities to increase women participation, but do not also allocate resources in this sense. Therefore, the project aims to develop an inclusive process of public participation in which women and Roma women in rural communities are to be involved. WE address the challenges identified and the results defined by fostering a process of "community organizing" , through the development of local initiative groups based on Roma and non- Roma women. Combining methods of public participation with local development, we will increase on one hand, the number of women and Roma women involved in public issues and on the other hand we will develop inter-ethnic dialogue for more inclusive communities.
Summary of project results
Women, and moreover Roma women, are two groups of citizens whose interests are found only tangential on local agendas. National strategies of equal opportunities or for Roma inclusion propose activities which would lead to the increase of women public participation, but do not offer resources in this sense. Therefore, the project aimed to develop an inclusive process of public participation in which women and Roma women in rural communities are to be involved. The project was implemented in Spanțov (Călărași county) and Mărginenii de Jos (Prahova county), where the Roma and non Roma women organised public cafes, inviting local authorities, resource persons and informal leaders from the community. In both communities were organized informal meetings where they discussed important subjects that affect women, such as health issues. In Mărginenii de Jos, a campaign informing that cancer detected early can be defeated was implemented. Over 50 women have been guided and supported to perform medical tests. Both groups participated in a Roma festival - Pakivalo, where they attended a workshop on the participation of Roma women in the community. In both communities, on April 8th, the International Roma Day, was organized a flash mob. The purpose was to make local authorities aware on women's involvement in the community, by wearing custom shirts with suggestive messages regarding involvement and participation of Roma woman in the community. The women targeted the town halls, schools and police from Oltenița and Ploiești, 2 cities close to their communities. This action was replicated in the local communities. E-Romnja organised workshops with women’s initiative groups, presenting how decisions are made locally and how citizens can participate in the decision-making process. The women were organised in teams of two and three and participated in meetings of the local councils. In Spanțov community, women’s initiative group developed a dialogue with local authorities. Periodically, members of the initiative group attended mayor's meetings, monitoring the activity of the city hall. Overall, the project fostered a process of "community organising”, local initiative groups based on Roma and non-Roma women being developed.
Summary of bilateral results