Romania faces a low level of advocacy activity for the sustainability and development of non-formal education, despite de fact that on a legislative level non-formal education is considered a strategic objective for the educational system as reflected in The Law of Education nr.1/2011. Therefore this project aims to bring together common voices of the actors active in the field of non-formal education through supporting three advocacy efforts in public policies related to afore mentioned theme. So, over 80 NGO’s will assume an active role in this project bringing together other members of the communities they come from. On the other hand Romania faces a lack of opportunities and learning contexts through which younger generations can develop competences necessary for becoming active citizens and more specifically for initiating advocacy campaigns on topics that matter for them and their community. Through this project we aim to develop civic participation and human rights knowledge among 450 youth from IMPACT Community Initiative Clubs by promoting the development of 20 grassroots types’ advocacy campaigns on a community level with 4000 direct beneficiaries.
Summary of project results
The project “Nonformal education is Education!” succeeded to contribute to legislative changes that support non-formal education in Romania. A national advocacy campaign for the “Different School” programme was implemented. The promoter approached the Minster of National Education and Scientific Research, regarding 15 proposals for improving the “Different school” programme. The proposals were developed by the working group, after working meetings and consultations with experts in education. The advocacy campaign involved four public debates in four cities of the country, and a roundtable with stakeholders in education to legitimize the process and to strengthen our position paper. A petition was undersigned by 57 organizations and institutions that supported the proposals. These were submitted to the Minister of Education with an open letter. During this period there were nine meetings with representatives of the Ministry. The promoter collaborates with the Minister implementing five proposals from the position paper. The promoter will be part of a working group to implement the new vision of the “Different school” programme. The advocacy campaign created awareness among citizens and raised the issue on the public agenda. Also, through this project the civic spirit and respect for human rights was developed among 451 IMPACT clubs. They implemented 20 advocacy local campaigns at national level (in September-December 2015 the last two clubs have completed projects) to make a difference in the community and to develop skills in the field of representing the interests of citizens: planning and coordinating advocacy campaigns, implementing / using tactics of advocacy, ability to collaborate with the community, the ability to attract allies around a common purpose, ability to identify targets and key players in the advocacy campaign, ability to represent the interests of the community before authorities. The voice of the teenagers was heard and the actions have been taken into account by the authorities, they managed to mobilize a large number of citizens and open dialog with them. Also two IMPACT clubs opened their own associations (Association Hope and Association Pact with IMPACT) to make a greater impact in local communities through projects they implement, working with local partners and mobilizing themselves and new young people in community service activities.
Summary of bilateral results