We all have a story - Pro-diversity and pro-inclusion kindergarden program

Project facts

Project promoter:
CPE - Center for Partnership and Equality
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 192,371
The project is carried out in:


Stereotypes and prejudices are formed in early childhood (4-5 years old). Once formed, they become resistant to change and create a solid foundation for racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Translated into action, they lead to inequality, discrimination and social violence. Early intervention in children’s development is critical for ensuring that they become balanced adults that respect diversity and the fundamental rights of others.The most important change is needed at the level of the teachers and the educational system as a whole. This project proposes to raise awareness and train teachers on the themes of gender, minorities and disabilities, to develop and apply pro-diversity and inclusion methods (Persona Dolls, Life Stories, Sand-play) and didactic materials, to develop a network of resource people to promote diversity in preschool education (ethnic Roma people, people with disabilities), to support kindergartens in implementing thematic projects about diversity, to pilot a complex pro-diversity educational program in 6 kindergartens, to initiate advocacy actions to integrate diversity in the primary and preschool educational system.

Summary of project results

Stereotypes and prejudices appear quite early in childhood. Once formed and consolidated, they become resistant to change and are very difficult to modify later in life. Once established, they form a strong basis for racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, etc. Translated into action, they have the potential to lead to a continuum of inequality, discrimination and social violence, which can vary, from limiting or forbidding access to fundamental rights, to extremism, hate-speech and even hate-crimes. If stereotypes and social distance is permitted and encouraged by the educational system, children will grow up isolated, without contact with diversity and with different experiences, which have the possibility to undo preconceived ideas and to encourage them towards cooperation, use of critical thinking, healthy authentic development of self-esteem and emotional intelligence as well as the development of problem solving abilities. The project involved the implementation of a multileveled intervention in 37 kindergartens, providing them with different tools and developing the kindergarten teachers’ competences and awareness with regard to the challenges brought upon by gender, ethnicity and disability and the best ways to address those. 105 educators from the 37 kindergartens were involved in trainings on stereotypes, Roma identities, history and discrimination, children with disabilities and the education of girls and boys outside gender limitations. It was developed 1 manual for teachers on gender, ethnicity and disability, that also includes examples and study cases that may help them in their activity. A series of trainings in methods of working with diversity in the classroom for the kindergarten teachers, including 3 detailed methods (persona dolls, life stories, sand play), was developed. The preschool educational curriculum was analysed during the project from gender, ethnicity and disability perspectives. Recommendations for improvement were sent to the authorities dealing with preschool education. A storybook for children with 10 stories related to diversity, and a brochure describing the project results were developed. Also, materials were published on the blog of the project: https://avemfiecareopoveste.wordpress.com/. The success of the project is proven by commitment of the kindergartens involved, which integrated the methods and instruments they were presented in their everyday activities.

Summary of bilateral results