Sara Centre – integrated services for adults with disabilities

Project facts

Project promoter:
Scut Association of Social Services Brașov
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 206,544
The project is carried out in:


The objective of the project is to provide integrated services and support to adults with physical, somatic, mental, psychiatric, visual, auditory and multiple disabilities and their family members/carers. The project aims to increase the autonomy, quality of life and social insertion of 300 adults with disabilities and develop the skills and emotional abilities of their family members/carers (600 persons) to support them. Integrated services (psychological and social counseling, psychotherapy, support groups, development of independent life skills, art-therapy, medical services) will be provided to adults with disabilities and trainings will be organized for their family members/carers within a day-center and at their homes. An anti-discrimination campaign „Difference is value” will be organized with the aim to fight hate speech, increase the level of information on equality and respect for diversity, human rights and democratic values, increase awareness on the needs and resources of people with disabilities and the obstacles they face. The project will benefit adults with disabilities, their family members/carers and the community.

Summary of project results

People with disabilities face complex difficulties on a daily basis, because of the specific of their disability (manifested in reducing/absence of some skills and in emotional imbalances), on one hand, and because of the stigma and marginalization of the community, on the other hand. People with disabilities need complex support to be able to use their personal resources, to (re)learn skills, to socialize, so their quality of life and social insertion increase. Considering the above, the project aimed to create the necessary structure to offer this kind of support.- Sara Project created an integrated centre which offered direct support to 946 people (466 people with disabilities and 480 carers), both at the day centre and at home. The beneficiaries received psychological and social counselling, independent life skills training, support groups, occupational therapy, creative development support, physical therapy, medical support (including medical equipment) and training. The campaign „Difference is value” was organized during the project, involving 13 schools and 2,611 students. It consisted in 2 shows „Beyond the appearances” with 750 participants, 2 Living Library events with 800 participants and 7 Photo voice exhibitions, with 1000 participants. As promotion and information materials were disseminated throughout the entire project, (print-outs, media, online), a number of about 13,000 people received information about the project and its beneficiaries. Through the project, the Centre was renovated, creating the appropriate space for this type of social services (including an access ramp).

Summary of bilateral results