The process of adaptation to climate change is an important part of the sustainable development policy The objective is to reduce human and ecosystem vulnerabilities to climate change. The outcomes of the project are to develop strategies and measures for adapting to a changing climate and to improve energy efficiency in buildings. Project outputs shall be delivered: Education and training in adaptation to climate change; Information and awareness campaign; Municipalities with developed local strategies, action plans and guidelines on adaptation to climate change; Meteorological studies; Electric and communication cables installed underground in Sibiu Municipality and trees planted in bus station; Traffic study; Public institution building in Sibiu adapted to climate change. The project will support local public authorities in three as well a public and private companies, research and education community, NGO/ civil society, population. The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities, KS, will support with technical expertise in developing municipal strategies and action plans on adaptation to climate change and study visits to Norway.
Summary of project results
The overall objective of the EEA Financial Mechanism is to contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and strengthening the bilateral relations between donor and beneficial states. Besides the overall objectives, the Programme RO07 Adaptation to climate change has a specific objective reduced human and ecosystem vulnerability to climate change through developing strategies and implementing measures for adaptation to climate change on a regional and local level. The objective is fulfilled by the achievement of two outcomes: Outcome 1: Developed strategies and measures for adapting to changing climate Outcome 2: Improved energy efficiency in buildings. The results of the Programme that contribute to the achievement of these two outcomes is given by the results provided by the predefined project, “Green way to sustainable development” financed under the Programme RO07. The main results achieved within the “Green way to sustainable development” project were: • Local strategies, action plans and guidelines on adaptation to climate change for three municipalities • Guidelines for municipal adaptation to climate change strategy in 3 municipalities, • Four meteorological studies aiming at supporting climate change adaptation plans at regional Level (Region 7 Centre), • 10089 ml underground electric and communication cables in Sibiu Municipality, • 30 trees planted in bus stations, • One study for efficient traffic in Sibiu Municipality, • Energy efficiency measures in buildings for 3 public institution (Environmental Protection Agency Sibiu, Grim Brothers kindergarten Sibiu and Tg. Mures Social Centre) • 3 public institution buildings covered by the energy efficiency studies, • 300 people from public and private sector trained regarding the adaptation to climate change, • One training module and one post graduate course for specialists in adaptation to climate change. The most important achievements in terms of the objectives of two Financial Mechanisms (EEA and Norwegian) are: • The first public institution in the country that operates in a building adapted to climate change. Environmental Protection Agency Sibiu building improved its energy efficiency with 48% as a result of an integrated efficiency concept regarding the climatic, economic and social conditions of the site. • The first three municipalities from Romania with strategies and action plans on adaptation to climate change (Sibiu, Brasov and Tg. Mures).
Summary of bilateral results
At the level of the predefined project, the main tool for strengthening bilateral relations was the project partnerships developed between Romanian Project Promoter and Project Partners from the Donor States. The Partnership Agreement complies many meetings between the partners during the project implementation period. The Norwegian partner in this project was The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities, KS, Norway. KS Norway was involved. The projects’ activities and results were based on the collaboration between the Romanian project promoter and their Norwegian partner. Due to bilateral cooperation, more than 10 activities were implemented, starting from attending meetings for organizing workshops, training sessions on adaptation to climate change, conferences, strategies, study trips, validating methodology, student exchange program. At the program level, according to the Programme Agreement, the Fund for Bilateral Relations has been implemented by way of an open call for proposals, addressed to Romanian and Norwegian public institutions, in order to extend of the Programme’s reach. The eligible beneficiaries under the Fund were Project Promoter, project partners and other relevant institutions from Donor States. In this regard the bilateral supported activities for networking, exchange of experience, sharing and transfer of knowledge, between the Project Promoter, Project Partners and entities from the Donor States. In this regard there were 5 applications selected . All the indicators were achieved and exceeded by involving in this projects more woman, more men’s and partnership agreements signed, that it was targeted initially. Bilateral relations in the programme have enabled decision-makers, scientists and stakeholders from Region 7 Centre Romania to share experiences, lessons learned and good practices, as well as the establishment of long-term cooperation between experts, Universities, Municipalities, Regional Agencies from Romania and Norway. The joint conferences, training session, workshops and study trips served as meeting points for the two countries involved. Networking amongst the participants have contributed to strengthening human and bilateral relations, and led to development of strategies and measures to combat harmful effects of climate change and develop methods and tools to ensure for adaption at national and local levels.