The project will contribute to enhancing knowledge and experience concerning dangerous chemical substances to monitoring through the development of tools to support the drafting of decisions and the implementation of an integrated system for the acquisition and transmission of monitoring data from hazardous substances in Cluj County. The Project Promoter with three partners will realise the system for collecting and transmitting data, in the second half of the project implementation period. In this way, the project will enhance the knowledge and experience on the monitoring of hazardous chemicals by developing support tools for preparing decisions and by providing an integrated system for collecting and transmitting data from the monitoring of hazardous chemicals in Cluj county. Target groups: Government and its subordinate entities, local authorities and entities subordinated, academic institutions, the population in the project areas of interest will benefit from this project. The partnership will improve the techniques for acquisition and transmission of monitoring data from hazardous chemicals, in both countries.
Summary of project results
The general objective of this project is to protect the environment by improving the monitoring of hazardous chemicals. Through this project, the Environmental Protection Agency Cluj in partnership with SINTEF Norway, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and SC Control Data Systems SRL Cluj has extended an integrated system for collecting and transmitting data on hazardous chemicals present in the ambient air. The experience of SINTEF specialists in Norway on the monitoring of hazardous chemicals, and on the collection and transmission of the data proved to be of great value. Their expertise has led to the implementation of performance criteria according to the requirements of European directives. In this way, the project contributes to enhancing the knowledge and experience on the monitoring of hazardous chemicals by developing decision support instruments. In order to achieve an optimal information flow for the acquisition and management of environmental information regarding these hazardous chemicals, the Romanian partners, the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and SC Control Data Systems SRL Cluj-Napoca, have acquired the equipment for collecting and transmission of the data over a wireless network. The integrated data collection and transmission system, developed within the project, consists of a collection network with sensors with radio-broadcasting capabilities and a transport network. The data from the five new monitoring points deployed in the project (Cluj-Napoca, Dej, Gherla, Turda and Huedin) are automatically collected from the monitoring equipment through the radio sensing collection network and then transmitted via the transport network to the Data Center and stored in the database. The recorded results are presented in a web application in the form of diagrams and tables. The results can be used as a warning if the maximum admissible limits are exceeded. The main benefit of this project is the development of databases storing the data from the monitoring of dangerous chemicals in Cluj County, which can be accessed by representatives of public institutions as well as the general public. The system allows real-time alerting of all authorities involved in environmental management to make decisions such as reducing traffic to protect health and the environment. The implementation of this project can be considered a step forward in providing integrated environmental management.
Summary of bilateral results
Throughout the implementation period of the project a permanent correspondence took place, both electronically and via videoconferencing, between representatives of the Project Promoter, of the two Romanian partners (TUCN- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania and CDS-SC Control Data Systems SRL Cluj ) and of the Norwegian partner SINTEF. There were correspondences regarding the organization of the team, the encountered problems, and possible solutions for carrying out the activities within the project. The specific activities foreseen in the project could only be carried out through close and permanent cooperation with the Norwegian partner. The expertise and contribution of the Norwegian specialists during the training sessions resulted in valuable insights regarding the choice of hazardous chemical monitoring equipment, data collection and transmission equipment, methods of analysis and how to implement the entire integrated system. A delegation of 5 people (3 from Environmental Protection Agency Cluj, 1 from TUCN and 1 from CDS) participated in the training program in Oslo, Norway, regarding the installation and testing of the radio and network specific measuring and testing equipment. The experience of SINTEF specialists in Norway proved to be of great value. Their expertise has led to the implementation of performance criteria according to the requirements of European directives.