Towards a proper aquatic environment

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Administration 'Apele Române'
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 1,833,593
The project is carried out in:


The overall objective of the project is to increase the knowledge and awareness in the field of water policy by expanding the actual monitoring activity based on the new European requirements.Improved monitoring of the hazardous substances, the outcome of the project, is reached by means of: Output 1: Data/information on the priority substances for surface waters obtained through a national screening of new priority substances at national level Output 2: Data/information on the priority substances for groundwater obtained through a national screening of interest priority substances at national level. Co-benefit of the project is represented by the possibility of setting up the most appropriate programme of measures that will be included in the third River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) (2015-2021) in order to achieve the Water Framework directive (WFD) objective, the results of the project being step by step available to all the interested parties as well to the large public and so increasing the public.

Summary of project results

The main objective of the project is to increase the knowledge and awareness in the field of water policy by extension of the current monitoring activity based on the new European requirements. The main benefits acquired following the project implementation are: o Strengthening the bilateral relations between Romania and Norway, allowing to the experts from both countries to meet, to share their experience in the water policy field, to establish working relations, while ensuring the foundations for new collaboration opportunities; o Extending of the current surface water and groundwater monitoring resource network based on the new European Water requirements (Directive 2013/39 / EC); o Extending the analysis method o Dissemination of expertise gained by experts of the National Laboratory – „Romanian Waters” National Administration to other Romanian specialists within the national network of water quality laboratories and all stakeholders. Running in Norway a training course regarding the laboratory practice for the priority substances analysis was a great experience gained by experts of the Romanian Waters National Laboratory that attended. By using the equipment acquired within the project, methods of analysis for the new priority substances have been tested and implemented on the specific matrices – water and biota. Two monitoring networks – for the surface waters and for the groundwater – were proposed in order to include the representatives monitoring sections both for the surface waters and groundwater. The screening and the monitoring working packages were conducted at national level for the substances which had method of analysis implemented in the National Laboratory. The screening for the new substances in the surface water was performed by both of the partners by performing analysis with in water and biota – new aspect tackled by the Romanian experts. For instance, by the Norwegian partner side were performed the biota (fish) analysis for dioxins. Based on the results from the screening for both surface and groundwater, there were established the substances to be included in the monitoring network. Number of new priority substances analyzed/screened for the surface water 22 instead of 15 established in the project and Programme Agreement and for the groundwater: 14. Number of new priority substances monitored for the surface water: 5 and for the groundwater 7 instead of 5, established in the project and Programme Agreement.

Summary of bilateral results

There it was a very good cooperation between the two partners of the project. The Project Partner – Norwegian Environment Agency was fully involved all along the project. During the implementation of the project, 6 specialists from National Laboratory (Romania) took part at the training course on laboratory practice for Priority Substances Analysis with focus on biota matrix that was held in Norway. The training course took place at NIVA – The Norwegian Institute for Water Research – the organiser being established after developing a tender procedure according to the Norwegian legislation. Furthermore, analysis of dioxines from the collected biota samples (fishes) were performed by the Project Partner in Norway, in an accredited laboratory(NIVA &NILU Norwegian Institute for Air Research ). Also, perfectioning on priority substances reporting have been performed during a visit of 8 Romanian experts in Oslo, Norway at the Norwegian Institutions that performed dioxin analysis. An even better communication between partners was established during the two workshops were organised at the beginning of implementation of the project, presenting the project objectives and foreseen activities and the end of the project presenting the obtained results and the degree of project and program indicators achievement. During different meetings, partial and final results of the project were disseminated. Between 8 and 16th of February 2017 a training, Dissemination of technical expertise in National Laboratory was performed for a group of twelve experts from the regional laboratories, part of the Project Promoter network of laboratories. This training course included lecture-style presentations from NIVA experts – from the Project Partner side and also involved extensive open discussion and information exchange on the respective national policies, assessment methodologies, analysis results and evaluation.