Stopping the extinction of invasive species of plants within Mures Floodplain Natural Park

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Forestry Administration Romsilva 'Lunca Muresului' Natural Park Administration
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 324,318
The project is carried out in:


The best solution to control invasive species spreading within the protected area and to reduce the chemicals used in agriculture is that the administration of the park to have ownership of land areas and use it in a sustainable way. The object of the project is rehabilitation of spesific agro-ecosystems affected by an alarming expanding of invasive species of plants and public awareness. The project is expected to set the strategy to combat the invasive species within protected area and rehabilitate affected ecosystems and raise the public awareness. The project outputs are: -Inventory of invasive species made. -Strategy to combat the invasive species set. -Work-field and rehabilitation of at least 100 ha of land. -At least 6 ha of land acquisition according to the Regulation of implemenatation -Tractors and agriculture equipment purchased. -Public awareness campaign Within this project the local communities, park’s administration and other institutions are expected to benefit. The partnership will put together the experience of three different entities in order to implement the project. Is about the experience in protected area field (Project Partner), strategies (Partner 1) and management (Partner 2).

Summary of project results

SESIL project was promoted by the RNP Romsilva Mures Floodplain Natural Park and had 2 Romanian partners ("Aurel Vlaicu" Arad University; Development Center Arad). SESIL project overall objectives of the project concerned: 1) quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the negative effects on the agro-forest ecosystems and the habitats of community interest generated by the extension of invasive plant species in the Lunca Mureş Natural Park, 2) rehabilitation of agro-ecosystems in the Lunca Mureş Natural Park affected by the worrying spread of invasive plant species, especially Amorpha fruticose, 3) awareness of the public about the negative effects of the expansion of invasive plant species and the practice of intensive farming, to the detriment of the sustainable one. Main activities developed by project were: i) mapping the areas occupied by the invasive plant species Amorpha fruticosa, Acer negundo and Falopia japonica (a GIS map was delivered); ii) identification and acquisition/selection of agricultural land in areas affected by invasive herbs and intensive farming; iii) achieving a strategy/work plan to combat and prevent the installation of invasive plant species and the intensive agriculture practice on the land acquired through the project (developed by "Aurel Vlaicu" Arad University based on information from specific literature); iv) implementation of the strategy/work plan for combating and preventing the installation of invasive plant species on the land acquired through the project (work field successfully developed on over 100 ha, of which 7 ha were procured within project); v) conceiving and implementing a campaign to raise awareness of the negative effects of the expansion of invasive plant species and intensive agriculture, addressed to local communities. A webpage ( addressing & presenting project information was realized. The awareness campaign and project visibility activities were accomplished by organizing 2 press conferences, 12 awareness sessions, a symposium, by dissemination of 5000 leaflets emphasizing the negative impact on natural ecosystems generated by the presence of invasive plant species, and publication of 3 project information documents on the project website.

Summary of bilateral results