1. Halting the deterioration of the conservation status of forest ecosystems and wetlands expose to risk. (fires, poaching fishing). 2. Creating a fast system for intervention to curb the phenomena that degrade forest ecosystems and wetlands expose to risk. 3. The project outcome: - Monitoring System- forest ecosystems and wetlands for major disturbance detection / rapid intervention destruction order - Early intervention for infrastructure location / remove destructive factors (fires and illegal fishing) - Reducing / eliminating the effects of which affect the conservation status of forest ecosystems and wetlands. - Four wetland ecosystems without plastic waste, well demarcated and indicated - Study on the assessment of the conservation status of ecosystems 4. Project results: Improving the conservation status of forest ecosystems and wetlands at risk. 5. Target groups: Establishing areas and species of Community interest, priority habitats in the "Portile de Fier" Natural Park may involve actively adult community in protecting and preserving them.
Summary of project results
Maps of the ecosystems in the Iron Gates Natural Park area, and assessment of their state of conservation, done by identification of invasive alien species and their distribution in the park area, mapping of the main ecosystems from the area of park (agro-ecosystems, forest ecosystems, hedge ecosystems, grassland ecosystems, rock ecosystems, wetland ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems), 17 mapping of the main types of economic activities carried out by the natural ecosystems, all of them included in a database. Technical study necessary for a monitoring system for forest and wetland ecosystems exposed to the risk of biodiversity loss. The visual signage of the wetlands was installed in the most important and sensitive wetlands from the park (80 buoys and 26 warning panels). Clean-up the plastic waste from the 4 protected wetland ecosystems, located inside of park, through 4 actions for the collection of plastic waste in each of the area, and processed by non-ferrous waste baler, acquired through the project. The equipment acquired for necessaries intervention in order to stop the phenomena of deterioration of natural ecosystems at risk (fires, fish poaching). Both local communities and local decision – makers were informed and are more aware of the need to protect forest ecosystems and wetlands. By implementing the project's activities, the conservation status of forest and wetland ecosystems has been improved such as raising knowledge, informing and raising awareness among local communities and local decision-makers about the benefits provided by ecosystem services as well as the importance keeping them in good condition. Also, the project came up with solutions to stop/ reduce the destructive effects on forest ecosystems and wetlands as a result of anthropological activities (fires and poaching). Activity A4 “Monitoring system for forest and wetland ecosystems at risk of biodiversity loss and alertness” was partially implemented (only 25%) due to promoter independent factors that have appeared during activities implementation. Because of different changes of the procurement legislation and numerous clarifications requested by national authority in charge with the implementation of specific procurement legislation the remaining time for the implementation of this activity was not sufficient in order to solve all the requirements and to launch a new procurement procedure.
Summary of bilateral results