Developed originally at Stord Haugesund University College in Norway, WASO –Write A Science Opera– is an established creative process for academic proficiency in sciences, using research in music teaching and music pedagogy. This project aims to create 4 science operas in Portugal and 2 science operas in Norway using the WASO approach (see activity 4). The Opera’s theme will be the “Earth”. The theme covering the science curriculum from 5th to 8th grade (classes involved). Main objective (OBJ): to create 4 educational science operas in Portugal and 2 in Norway. New collaborative, democratic pedagogical strategies will be explored. OBJ 2: realization of a professional concert cycle (Portuguese\Norwegian musicians). OBJ 3: to produce replicable knowledge (the proposed project represents a method rather than a single result. Sustainability is a value imprinted in the project fabric). OBJ 4: written paper with the applied methodology\results in an international journal to document, validate and spread the method. OBJ 5: to produce a documentary that follows the process and final result to be exhibited in universities and schools as part of project dissemination.
Summary of project results
Originally developed by Oded Ben-Horin from Haugesund / Stord University College in Norway, “Write a Science Opera (WASO)” is first and foremost a creative teaching methodology focused on discovery, inspiring a multidisciplinary artistic project. In a WASO project, a scientific theme is chosen to inspire the creative process, culminating in the operatic performance fully conceived and presented by the students. “WASO” project, developed under the Cultural Footprint programme, consisted in the construction of 4 scientific operas by students from 5th to 8th grade in all its dimensions. The theme chosen for the project was Earth: A planet with life, which inspired the students to choose the theme of their opera from the curricular program of the science discipline. The 96 students who participated in the project during a school year were accompanied in the conception of the opera by professors of MC&W and by the selected partners. The project resulted in the opera " Earth: A planet with life " in 4 acts (addressing themes of the sciences as volcanism, human reproduction, light pollution and global warming). The project was also accompanied by a research process that sought to verify students' motivation for the study of science when combined with the arts. At the same time, a cycle of recitals was also held on the theme " Earth: A planet with life ", where Portuguese and Norwegian musicians interpreted works by composers on the theme, serving as inspiration for the students involved in the project. MC&W has had the opportunity to present the result of the project at Casa da Música (Porto) integrating its educational service programme. The scientific article “Write a Science Opera (WASO): Is there a motivational boost in multidisciplinarity and creativity?" to be published will be one of the major dissemination means of the project and the advantages of the WASO methodology in the teaching / learning process of sciences. The implications for the future are undoubtedly a bigger bet on the internationalization of the school and a commitment to multidisciplinarity as a fundamental means of the teaching / learning process.
Summary of bilateral results
The “WASO” project had as Norwegian international partners the following institutions: University of Stavanger, Stord / Haugesund University College and Bergen National Opera. These three institutions were chosen as partners because they already have experience in implementing “WASO” project at different levels of education, so Matos, Caiano &Wandschneider could count on its know-how. Escola Fontes Pereira de Melo was a project partner at national level. This school was chosen because MC&W has had a protocol going with them for 4 years now, having very good interpersonal relations with the school and knowing that they provide the necessary conditions to receive this type of projects. At the level of the developed partnerships, there was a strong link between the partner institutions and new proposals for partnerships in other projects have arisen, with an ERASMUS+ project already underway, where MC&W is again partner of Haugesund / Stord University College, where the WASO methodology is being applied