Portugal More Equal

Project facts

Project promoter:
Question of Equality - Association for Social Innovation
Project Number:
Target groups
Public and private organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and NGOs, responsible for the organization and delivery of education and training at local, regional and national levels
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 72,684
The project is carried out in:


Considering that the promotion of gender equality is a question of social justice, the project "Portugal More Equal" aims to promote the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the elaboration of public policies and national laws, sensitizing the politicians and other stakeholders to the fact that gender equality should be considered in the implementation and evaluation of any public policy, national measure, program or project. To accomplish this aim, the following activities will be developed: the development and test of a manual to measure the gender impact of the implementation of any public policy or national law; and the development of five public sessions presenting the manual across the regions of Portugal, directed at professionals directly involved in the design of public policies or national laws, as well as future legislators. Given the importance of this thematic to the civil society, the presentation sessions will also be open to other social actors.

Summary of project results

The Project "Portugal More Equal" aimed to promote the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the elaboration of public policies and national laws, sensitizing the politics and other stakeholders to the fact that gender equality should be considered in the implementation and evaluation of any public policy and national measures.To accomplish this purpose, the following activities were developed: - development and test of an instrument (Guide), available in an online platform (http://portugalmaisigual.pt/), which allows their users to reflect and to measure the gender impact in the implementation of any public policies or national law; - development of 5 public sessions regarding the presentation of the Guide, one in each region of Portugal, directed to all the professionals directly involved in the design of any public policies or national laws, as well as futures legislators. Given the importance of this thematic to the civil society, the presentation sessions also had the participation of other social actors that recognize the income of this project product (Guide) to the development of a full citizenship, based on effective equal rights for women and men. The main purposes of the guide were: - to support and consolidate at the highest level, the knowledge of key concepts related to the theme of gender equality and understanding the importance of gender mainstreaming as an essential tool for effective implementation of gender equality policies; - to support the policy makers and technical personnel from different state sectors and other public bodies at a local level on how to apply the evaluation of the impact of a gender perspective in public policies and national legislation. Due to the fact that this product is available online, easily accessed by everyone, it will increase enormously its impact and give an important contribution to the main goal of the project, enlarging its potential of dissemination and utilization. The protocols established with several public entities, as CITE- Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment, municipalities and Non-Governmental Organisations that cooperated in the organisation and dissemination of the public sessions, contributed to a total of 143 participants. Concluding, the expected outputs planned in the application phase were fully achieved.

Summary of bilateral results