Carry On - Ecosystem Services and their role supporting domestic violence victims

Project facts

Project promoter:
Portuguese Wild Life Society
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of intimate-partner violence,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 93,533
The project is carried out in:

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The development of methodologies to assist domestic violence victims in their recovery is the main purpose of this project. It will promote their social inclusion, individual empowerment, self-esteem and physical and their psychological well-being, as well as the development of sustainable lifestyles. The project, taking place in the Northern region, will develop activities based on ecosystem services, making use of one of the partners’ expertise in this regard. The importance of ecosystem services for human well-being, though known, is scarcely used in Portugal in supporting and individual growth processes. The project will promote the cooperation of several entities which normally do not cooperate, in an integrated and multidisciplinary approach that can be applied to other types of target groups. The participation of entities from different social sectors will promote a more effective involvement of the whole society in the defence of human rights.

Summary of project results

Domestic violence is a social phenomenon that results in serious impacts on the direct victims, the family unit, the society and the economy itself. The victims of this aggression tend to suffer from several psychological and biopsychological consequences, such as: anxiety, emotional vulnerability, reduction of self-esteem and negative self-concept, depression, social isolation, phobias, panic attacks, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, among others. Domestic violence makes home a dangerous and unpredictable environment, which can cause serious risk situations for minors, namely at psychological, behavioral and social levels. Domestic violence crimes corresponds to about 84.2% of crimes registered by the APAV - Victim Support Association. In Portugal, about 1 in 3 women aged 18 or over are victims of physical sexual and / or psychological violence. As a result of the project 48 professionals have been trained on dealing with domestic violence under a holistic approach (in two groups/training editions), 101 women and children victims of domestic violence were empowered, present better indicators of well-being (levels of cortisol and oxytocin) and provide positive feedback regarding a general improvement of emotional well-being, self-esteem, performance of their social roles and quality of life. The figures presented above slightly surpassed the initial targets. The experimental methodology that was implemented, using the nature potential to increase well-being, proved to be effective and may be replicated for other situations which vulnerable people face. The close link with research at the University provide good basis for its development and replication, and the two manuals which were published (training manual and good practices manual) are significant tools for that purpose. The Cooperation Framework (network of 27 entities, public, private and social) created by the project ensures some sustainability to the project and an integrated approach to deal with domestic violence issues.

Summary of bilateral results