The project´s main objective is the consolidation and strengthening of NGOs promoting Gender Equality, in what regards both their structure and their approach to the problem, theoretically and operationally. The action plan is divided into three axes: networking - creating Thematic Action Centres, to promote synergies and cross-sectoral cooperation amongst NGOs at national and international level; technical support - managing the House of Associations, a physical space that congregates technical resources and support infrastructures; and training – NGOs’ staff qualification, in subjects such as institutional and project management and the promotion of women’s rights, by using an e-learning platform – the Resources and Digital Knowledge Centre - and by publishing a toolkit for feminist activism. The project focuses on the organizations within the promoting platform and will be developed in partnership with a NGO specialized in research and training.
Summary of project results
Promoting gender equality and defending women's rights is an important issue for Portuguese civil society and has been the main purpose of many NGOs in Portugal for decades. The Portuguese Platform for Women's Rights brings together many of these NGOs and strives to create synergies for collective action. Recognising the strategic impact of training, both for NGO sustainability and for the effectiveness of its associates’ activities, this organisation, in partnership with a NGO specialized in research and training, applied for a grant under the Programme’s “Strengthened capacity of NGOs” outcome. The main objective of the project was the consolidation and strengthening of NGOs promoting gender equality in Portugal. It included three main components: the creation of Thematic Action Centres, each addressing a specific issue; the creation of a technical support centre, capable of providing support to NGO activities; and training for NGO staff, in subjects such as institutional and project management and the promotion of women’s rights. The promoter reported that all the goals were achieved, and in many cases surpassed – cross-sectoral cooperation amongst NGOs was significantly stimulated, financial sustainability was improved, and training was provided to 301 staff members, over 50% beyond the project’s target. In all, 120 NGOs and other organisations were involved in the project, over twice the expected number. Also planned under the scope of the project were monitoring activities regarding public policies which concern gender equality – in this regard, it was also possible to exceed the defined goals. Among the project’s outputs, it should also be mentioned the creation of an e-learning platform and the publishing of a toolkit for feminist activism. The project will have lasting effect on the associates of the Platform for Women's Rights. The training provided will have a significant impact over NGO activities, as regards their sustained monitoring of public policies regarding women’s rights. Networking was also an important outcome of this project: not only did the Platform’s associates were enabled to work closer together, but the Platform itself gained new associates. The project also resulted in greater recognition, including by the Portuguese government, for the work carried out by these organisations.
Summary of bilateral results