The ultimate goal of the project is to highlight on the political agenda the need for better prevention and intervention in the field of Sexual Violence, by influencing the definition of new measures and specific public policies to tackle this form of assault on human rights. The promoter will work both with professionals dealing with this phenomenon and with its victims. The action plan envisages the creation of a support office and the definition of procedures and quality standards in order to establish an integrated intervention model, networking all the existing specialized support resources – health, law enforcement, justice and psychosocial support. Furthermore, it comprises the establishment of a mutual relief and self-representation group, the launching of an online petition, training and briefing events and the publication of a booklet. Promoted by a NGO advocating for the protection of Human Rights in partnership with a platform for Women´s Rights, the project includes two national authorities in matters of Justice and Heath.
Summary of project results
Sexual Violence has many potential consequences for reproductive and sexual health, such as unwanted pregnancy, STDs, HIV / AIDS, and increased risky sexual behaviour. The consequences on mental health are serious and long-lasting – according to the WHO, sexual abuse is one of the main causes of post-traumatic stress, representing an estimated 33% of situations in women and 21% of men. In Portugal, according to the 2012 Annual Internal Security Report, 375 complaints of rape have been submitted, with the majority of victims being females aged 21-30 years. Regarding minors, victims are also mostly female, between 16-18 years of age. It is therefore essential to create an articulated network of support services to survivors of sexual violence in Portugal, which feeds into the creation of national policies. It is also necessary to provide an integrated response through specialized stakeholders that support survivors of sexual violence. This project created an articulated network for the implementation of an integrated, coherent and comprehensive intervention model to respond to the needs of the recipients, and to influence public policies; as well as a specialized office for survivors of sexual violence; a self-representative group for survivors; and an online petition. The project has effectively contributed to highlight sexual violence on the political agenda and to better public policies and legislation in this area, surpassing its initial ambitions: 2 changes on legislation were achieved, a new service of assistance to survivors of sexual violence was set up, 284 victims were assisted and there was significant cooperation activities initiated with the Government. For the promoter itself, the outcome is very positive as well: greater recognition by the public authorities of its role and specialized services; empowerment of the staff; greater visibility of its services in the social violence area; promotion of public debate on sexual violence; influence on legislative measures and public policies. Undoubtedly, a more robust and effective support can now be provided to survivors of sexual violence as a result of this project – the ultimate goal for the promoter was to attain government support for the creation of an assistance centre for survivors of sexual violence. After many years of endeavours, this NGO and Ministries of Justice and Social Security signed a protocol (in December 2016) in order to finance the centre’s running costs.
Summary of bilateral results