This project is specifically directed to domestic violence motivated by sexual orientation, and the inherent risk to the mental health and inclusion of the victims. It will study the practices, experiences and interventions developed by NGOs and other entities in cases of violence and emergency situations (including homelessness) against LGBT children and youth. Based on this study’s results, awareness/training sessions will be developed for staff and leaders of the concerned entities. An assessment of the current situation in Portugal will be made in order to capacitate those entities to improve support to LGBT youth/children in case of domestic violence. In the long-term, the promoter plans to create a collaborative network where it will provide consultancy to public and private bodies, counselling and clinical support to young people affected by these issues, temporary sheltering and integrative solutions for family (of origin) reintegration and/or professional insertion.
Summary of project results
The project, implemented by a newly formed NGO, addressed domestic violence towards young LGBT people, as well the associated mental health and inclusion issues. The goal was to help improve institutional intervention with LGBT youths and raise awareness on the matter. A study was carried out for that purpose, with 19 stakeholder organizations taking part, followed by a series of awareness raising sessions held for 22 local and national committees for child and youth protection (284 participants). By the time the project was concluded, professionals working on child and youth protection in a further 142 public and private organizations had already received information on the subject, and the National Child and Youth Protection Committee had already proposed to the promoter the joint creation of a best practices manual. The cooperation of several organizations was key for the project’s success, which also provided useful contacts for the promoter, as it takes its first steps.
Summary of bilateral results