i. The Project will address priorities for adaptation within the sectors Energy and Industry, Spatial Planning and Cities, and Water Resources. ii. Increased capacity to assess vulnerability to climate change. iii. Indicators (targets): a) Number of sectors with improved capacity to assess vulnerability to climate change (3); b) Number of sectoral projects supported through AdaPT (1). iv. Products outputs: a) Systematization document of the diagnostic phase; b) Manual of adaptation measures; c) Support tools; d) Training contents; e) Functional platform; f) Monitoring tools; g) Manual of graphic standards; h) Divulgation contents. v. The sectors involved in the structure of ENAAC with the responsibility to mainstream and implement adaptation measures on legislation and on the ground.
Summary of project results
In a period in which the economy and climatic changes are producing ever-changing challenges to the productive sector, this innovative project was designed to promote a collaborative platform for adapting to climate change in the industrial and service sectors. Despite the efforts that have been made by the scientific community and the entities responsible for defining strategies for adaptation, the latest report by the intergovernmental panel responsible for monitoring the issue (IPCC) has continued to name Portugal as one of the most vulnerable European countries. It is important, therefore, to realise that we are talking about a comprehensive issue that requires the cooperation of many responsible entities, without which it would be impossible to achieve the necessarily broad coverage of target territories and sectors. This was the background behind the development of a multi-sectorial platform designed to raise awareness on the part of the business community of the need to assess the risks and vulnerabilities associated with extreme weather events and the subsequent adoption of improvement measures. By way of the voluntary and non-discriminatory participation of companies, scientific and technological institutions, professional associations, and local and national governmental agencies, amongst other entities, it has been possible to build a network of knowledge and experience that promotes assessments and the implementation of corrective measures to resist the impact of climate change within both the industrial and service sectors as well as in disseminating best practices. This project co-ordinates efforts towards the assessment of vulnerabilities and development of assessment tools to support the implementation of measures for adapting to climate change within their areas of expertise, namely, the resilience of structures, of water and energy efficiency, of interior air quality and comfort both inside buildings and in their surroundings. The preparation of important case studies contributed to raising awareness on the part of other entities and lead to replication of efforts in several sectors, 42 entities are already registered in the platform, more than the 40 planned. Conceptualised as a vehicle for cooperation between companies, scientific and technological institutions, this platform was intended to bring players together and disseminate information about adaptation to climate change within the industrial and service sectors.
Summary of bilateral results