The implementation of the MSFD implies that EC Member States are obliged to maintain or achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) of their marine waters. There is no doubt that a good assessment of the environmental status of the marine waters pass through the optimized multidisciplinary monitoring carried out by qualified personnel. The project includes training and education actions that contributes to the generation of qualified human resources in priority science and technology for the sustainable management of marine waters and to the maintenance of GES. Training activities will be directed at senior technicians, graduates and alumni, the public and private sectors, in priority areas that contributes to the implementation of the MSFD. The courses, will have theoretical and practical components, and will be also developed technical guidelines to support the MSFD.
Summary of project results
The initial assessment of the Good Environmental Status of marine waters in mainland Portugal identified a lack of knowledge regarding several descriptors of the good environmental status of marine waters under the framework of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This was due to insufficiency of technical and scientific knowledge about highly specialized sampling methodologies, taxonomy and analytical techniques. For that reason, the project BioMar PT was conceived to increase technical and scientific skills to ensure the implementation of the MSFD in Portuguese continental waters. Training and qualification courses were provided to increase competencies for: a) continuous multidisciplinary monitoring; b) acquisition of technical skills for the application of standardized methodologies for sample processing; c) data processing and analysis; d) making results available in a simple, standardized and comprehensive manner. The project objective was fully achieved as proved by the results largely exceeding the initial targets. Training courses with theoretical and practical sessions. Technical guides about the courses subjects, made available on the project website. Online courses through multimedia presentations. Merchandising products and dissemination actions in order to promote the courses, thus attracting a high number of candidates. Foreseen targets exceeded (e.g.: 28 courses/ 25 foreseen. 27 guides/ 25 foreseen; 577 successful trainees/ 450 foreseen; 60 000 visits to the website in 15 December 2016/ 10 000 foreseen). Increase of knowledge about the MSFD. Increase of technical and scientific knowledge for the MSFD implementation. Increase of knowledge about non-indigenous species (descriptor 2 of the MSFD) in Portugal with findings of new ones during the practical sessions of the courses. Excellent receptivity and encouraging comments of the trainees, such as: “very complete and detailed course”; “I would participate again and will recommend the course”; “excellent (trainers, course and contents)”; “technical guides interesting and well organized”, that led to more than one edition of some courses and the intention to launch more courses in the near future.
Summary of bilateral results