Project description: Komart’s activity is focused on waste management. The main idea of this project is the introduction of a new, more efficient technology for mixed municipal wastes separation. Processing line consisting of multifunctional sorting system (based on NIR classifiers) to recover a wide range of pieces of material (metal, paper, PET, PE, PP, Ps) from mixed municipal waste is a clue of the project. The capability of the line is about 60.000 Mg/y. It will help to sort out approx. 80% of the materials from the delivered mixed waste. Partners: The project will be implemented in cooperation with TOMRA Sorting AS. Project objectives: • New or improved green products and services provided on the market • Improvement of the efficiency of waste management in the region • Realization of business opportunities of greening the European economy Outcome indicators: • Number of environmental technologies successfully applied for use in new areas - x • Green jobs created – 10 new green jobs • Reduction in CO2 emissions – 1543 tones/ year
Summary of project results
The idea of the project, implemented in cooperation with a Norwegian company TOMRA Sorting AS, was to put in place an advanced technology of mixed municipal waste segregation. The key element of the project is a processing line consisting of a multifunctional sorting system that enables highly efficient recovery of a wide range of materials. In general thanks to the new installation additional 5000 tons of waste will be separated. Increased efficiency of waste sorting and re-use will lead to yearly CO2 reduction of over 1500 tons. This is due to increased recovery of waste paper, foils and plastics. Last but not least the project will generate 10 permanent green jobs in the company.
Summary of bilateral results
Benefits for the Polish partner: - Joined R&D activities with the partner - Utilise experience of the partner in the field of sorting various materials - Possibility to test and adopt new technologies Benefits for Norwegian partner: - Joined R&D activities with the partner - Possibility to test technologies in new environment - Access to new market possibilities in Poland