Purchase of equipment and modernization of the system of Prison Staff training in departmental schools

Project facts

Project promoter:
Central Board of Prison Service
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Students and trainees in all forms of higher education level education and training
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 470,622
The project is carried out in:


The project objective is to create opportunity for professional development in the form of e-learning and b-learning and thereby increase the competence of the prison staff. This will be done by modernizing the existing training model by introducing more modern forms of remote teaching and learning set in the “Effective judiciary-the actions of the Ministry of Justice for 500 days” plan. The envisaged activities will be focused mainly on creating knowledge database accessible through the web, improving access to training courses for unlimited number of prison staff, simplifying training process for lecturers and students, improving assessment of training needs, broadening the training offer, facilitating the process of training management, decreasing costs of trainings. There will be 82 forms of training support for 6300 employees provided. Amongst trainees will be group of 50 lecturers and teachers, which should ensure the long term impact on the new system of education for Prison Service staff.

Summary of project results

The Project provides a response to the need of continuous education of prison officers and employees of PS. The objective of the project was to prepare new, practical solutions in the scope of security trainings, development of the trainings implemented through Internet, modification and expansion of IT training system “Słuchacz” (Student). In the project technical and security equipment was purchased for modernisation of the trainings and practical exercises. Design and analytical services were purchased in the scope of development of the concept of modification of the programme of professional training of the prison officers of PS based on the module education with e-learning. The expenditures were incurred for the creation and implementation of model courses of e- and b-learning. Technical equipment and software were purchased for the needs of the process of distance training for PS officers. The trainings for education staff were purchased and conducted. The objective of the trainings were a correct preparation for the implementation of distant trainings, methodological seminars, training for management staff and PS specialists from the scope of organisation and implementation of the education of PS officers, using activisation methods and e-learning. Training system “Słuchacz” was expanded and modernised to meet the expectations of PS staff training system. To achieve this objective were purchased design, analytical, programming, implementing servicers as well as application testing. Necessary technical equipment and training for “Słuchacz” application users were purchased. As part of preparation for the internal project team, the representatives of the Promoter participated in numerous outside trainings and their education was co-financed. The outcomes of the Project are the skills and knowledge of prison officers which are proved by the number of received certificates and of the trainings and courses, as well as the number of these courses. 8 417 prison officers have been trained in total, 191 training forms have been implemented. The outcomes of the project are skills and knowledge of prison officers proved by the 8417 certificates/diplomas of completed trainings. Activities in implemented project allowed for an improvement of the competences of Prison Service staff, reaching a positive influence on the process of social rehabilitation of prisoners and execution of imprisonment.

Summary of bilateral results

According to the agreement signed on 19th February 2013 Norwegian Academy of Correctional Services in Oslo (KRUS) became the Project partner. The objective of the cooperation in the projects implemented by Central Training Centre for prison Service Staff was to learn about the functioning of Polish and Norwegian prison service, looking at the models of training and organisation of penitentiary staff training in both countries. Thanks to this it was possible to enrich existing training and professional development systems in new education solutions, but also indicate further areas of cooperation and experience exchange. The cooperation supported implementation of Project module connected with implementation of e-learning trainings through exchange of experiences, common monitoring of the implementation of training tasks and analysis of their application on Polish training system, also in the relation to Norwegian education solutions. It was strictly connected with planned activities which aimed at comparing penitentiary systems and training systems in Polish and Norwegian prison system, through learning about detailed data about numbers, subjects, a scope, specialisations, used forms, duration of the training. The objective of the meetings was also to adjust the possibilities and present forms of support in a form of e-learning to long-term activities, which were the changes in the training system and the schedule of education for Polish prison officers as well as their modification , so that they meet real needs of education. There was an opportunity to learn about possible and available solutions in the area of training from Norwegian Partner. It was possible during professional foreign trips and during the visits of the Partner in Poland. During the duration of the project there were 4 visits for 20 participants.