Implementation of training programmes raising social and professional competences of convicts and creation of conditions sustaining the convicts’ family bonds for the purpose of raising the effectiveness of their return to the society after the completio

Project facts

Project promoter:
Central Board of Prison Service
Project Number:
Target groups
Juvenile and young offenders,
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 1,576,159
The project is carried out in:


The Project aims at removing social barriers and strengthening the effectiveness of the impact scheme on convicts by preparing them to return to the society, an open labour market as well as by reintegrating them with the family through strengthening family bonds between convicts and their children. The Project also aims at propagating the idea of ecology. The Project activities will conduct: 260 vocational courses for 2454 convicts, related to ecological professions, and 520 soft trainings for the same group 2454 convicts. The dog therapy classes, aimed at elimination of aggression and tension, will involve 140 convicts. The participation in the Project is voluntary. The convicts directed to the aforementioned trainings will be selected according to the diagnosis of their personality deficiencies. Moreover, funding will include refurnishing or establishing of 178 visiting rooms for children facilitating visits of convicts with their families which will include purchase of necessary equipment for visits with children. The Project activities will aim at conducting soft trainings in 104 penitentiary establishments, dog therapy classes in 9 penitentiary establishments.These activities meet the goal of the imprisonment (Article 67 of the Penal Executive Code (KKW)) and they impact the convicts by means of employment, which facilitates developing of adequate vocational skills, training, enhancement of family bonds and contacts with the outside world. The activities will be conducted in the years 2013-2015.

Summary of project results

The objective of the project was to increase professional and social competences and improve the effectiveness of the process of social rehabilitation of inmates through organisation of the cycles of trainings promoting the idea of ecology, professional trainings, soft trainings, dog therapy and providing additional equipment for children in the children’s corners in prisons. This activities were to remove social barriers and improve the effectiveness of the influence on the convicted persons in the context of their coming back to the society as well as to prevent the deficits influencing their difficult position on the open labour market. Within module 1.1 of the Project “Activities for ecology” were conducted professional and competence training courses in all penitentiary facilities of Prison Service. In 401 professional trainings participated 4211 persons, who received 4211 certificates proving completion of the courses. It constitutes accordingly 223% of the implementation of objective indicator and 234% of the implementation of outcome and output indicator. 1042 competence courses were organised, during which 4219 persons received 11043 certificates proving completing the courses. It constitutes accordingly 289% of the implementation of objective indicator, 235 % of the implementation of outcome indicator and 307% of the implementation of output indicator. Moreover, within module 1.1 were purchased small office supplies, 1040 chainsaws and 1040 power saws. Within module 1.2 “Dog therapy” individual Regional Inspectorates of Prison Service purchased materials necessary for conducting trainings for dogs (animal care articles and food for dogs) and protective clothing for inmates. Moreover, 30 training courses were organised in this scope, which constitutes 143% of the implementation of objective indicator. 236 inmates participated in the training courses. All participants received certificates proving completing the courses, which constitutes 187% of the implementation of outcome indicator and output indicator. In module 1.3 “Friendly place – adjustment of visiting rooms to a contact of inmates with their children, the purchase of equipment needed for creating 178 corners for children who accompany persons visiting inmates. It constitutes 100% of the implementation of output indicator planned for the module.

Summary of bilateral results