District programme of the prevention and the promotion of health to reduce the incidence and the mortality from cardiovascular diseases among residents of the Biala Podlaska district. “Together for the heart”

Project facts

Project promoter:
Bialski District
Project Number:
Target groups
People with addictions (drug, alcohol, other)
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 343,988
The project is carried out in:


The project is about promotion of health and prevention of cardiovascular diseases among residents of the Biała Podlaska district. As a result of a conducted analysis, the area of cardiovascular diseases was recognised as a priority taking into consideration the health needs of the residents. The main aim of the project is to raise the health awareness among locals and also the improvement of access to the specialist medical care. If this goal is achieved, the incidence and mortality from illnesses associated with a lifestyle will be reduced (improvement in the mortality rate compared with the average rate in the country). As part of the promotion of health a number of actions directed to all residents of the Biała Podlaska district with particular reference to children and teenagers are planned. Additionally, a preventive program for selected group of the highest risk (40-60 years old, additional risk factors) will be conducted to detect heart diseases as soon as possible. On the basis of collected data two publications will be prepared and distributed to the stakeholders. The planned activities regarding the promotion of health will be continued in consecutive years.

Summary of project results

The project implemented the following activities: Activity 1 – Management. Selection of project management has been thoroughly thought already at the stage of the grant application submission. The appointed team constituted the guarantee of minimizing the potential risk for failure of this investment. Activity 2 - Reserves were used entirety. Within the Activity 3 – Information and promotion, the following tasks were completed: 1. There was done the project website www.razemdlaserca.info. Within the project 24 sponsored articles were published in regional newspaper – Gazeta Bialska and in Internet portal http://www.radiobiper.info. Materials and promotional gadgets were purchased and they were distributed. Within this activity three conferences was organized. In Activity 4 - Health Promotion the objectives were achieved. Within the educational activities related to the nutritional prophylaxis, physical activity, cardiovascular diseases prevention, being the part of the project, were organized 150 educational meetings with nutritionist, in which actively participated 3 386 students. Further, within the project mention above preventive tests were carried out (weight, height, BMI, fatty tissue level, blood pressure and blood sugar levels) into the prevention of obesity among 1 506 children from the first, second and third class of primary schools from the area of Biała Podlaska country. Within Activity 4 under the promoting healthy lifestyle slogan ‘ACTIVE AND HEALTHY' pro-health competitions ware carried out for children in kindergartens and pupils form primary, middle and high schools. Two training were conducted (ie. education and information training for nurses, attended by 30 nurses and education and information training for family doctors, attended by 30 people. 4 Health picnics and 4 cross country events were organized under the slogan ‘RUN FOR HEALTH’. Activity 5 - Preventive programme - in order to select people for preventive examinations nurses visited homes of more than 8 053 residents of Biała Podlaska county aged 40-60 years. Nurses qualitied 2 510 people for second stage preventive examinations based on the responses from the survey and a fixed algorithm. There was an increase of Biała Podlaska county residents awareness in field of disease prevention and their inaction in treatment of cardiovascular diseases. All educational and preventive activities helped to improve the quality of life of residents of Biała Podlaska country.

Summary of bilateral results