Comprehensive actions in the field of health promotion and cancer prevention to ensure the high level of participation in medical examinations in Wabrzezno district

Project facts

Project promoter:
Wąbrzeźno District
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults,
Elderly people
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 805,625
The project is carried out in:


Analyzing the mortality ratio of cancer diseases, local authorities in Wąbrzeźno reached the conclusion that undertaking prophylaxis is essential to prevent the increase of malignant neoplasm cases. These cases are related to certain behaviors in the population, which are often connected with lifestyle. This is why the aim of the project is to increase the level of awareness on prophylaxis in carcinomas among locals as well as to conduct screening in the local population. The target group of these activities constitute adults and elderly people (40+), both men and women. There are only soft measures planned under the project. Its goal will be achieved through the following actions: I. health promotion programmes in the local community (6500 participants in total, incl. 3500 persons attending sports activities and 3.000 persons attending training for teachers, students and GPs) II. disease prevention programme in local community (4.860 participants in total, 10.242 screening examinations).

Summary of project results

Prior to starting the project, the authorities of Wabrzezno conducted analysis on death causes in local community, which indicated high mortality rate caused by cance(prostate, lung, breast and intestine). There are two reasons for that. The first is that people who get cancer are usually diagnosed too late, which makes treatment less likely to succeed and reduces their chances of survival. The second is lifestyle that may trigger disease development i.e. lack of physical activity; smoking tobacco and bad digestion. To solve these problems, a combination of two activities was proposed to be implemented under the project i.e screening and health promotion programs that consisted in organizing events, fitness classess, trainings for teachers/students/GPs and workshops on healthy cooking. 6.831 people attended health promotion events (vs. 6.500 planned) and 8.026 local inhabitants participated in screening (vs. 4.860 planned), thus project indicators have been reached. Among direct outcomes of this project can be mentioned 141 cancer cases diagnosed and 1824 hours within health promotion conducted. Sports activities, workshops on healthy digestion will be continued after the completion of project.

Summary of bilateral results