Water erosion in mountainous areas is a natural process, and still not much is known about its characteristics. Without doubt, it is a phenomenon not beneficial to the natural environment, due to e.g. translocation of rock masses, resulting from hydrological events that are impossible to be predicted. Erosion processes occurring in creeks may cause measurable damages in technical infrastructure in valleys (slope roads, communication facilities), and, in case of landslides, they reduce the size of forest production areas. In the long run, they lead to changes in valley morphologies. Prevention of these events requires, first of all, sufficient knowledge concerning the dynamics of erosion processes. The objective of the project is test of laboratory research method of rock material self abrasion, which is part of patent, in order to predict pace of erosion process in mountain streams, including the degree of weathering soil skeleton.
Summary of project results
The objective of the project was to test a method of laboratory testing of self-abrasibility of soil skeleton (P.401540) in order to forecast the rate of erosion processes taking place in mountain streams, including determination of the degree of weathering of rock material. It was found that the method was suitable for testing abrasibility of bedload from stream channels and for forecasting the quantity of sediment. The changes in the physico-mechanical properties of successive layers compared to the unweathered “core” of the particles may indicate the degree of weathering. The laboratory test of self-abrasibility of rock particles in a water environment, which imitates the movement of bedload in natural channels, was performed in an instrument designed specifically for this purpose. In natural conditions, the location and the changes in the location of the marked rocks were determined using a metal detector purchased for the project. The hydrometric measurements and the data collected using the measurement devices purchased for the project made it possible to determine the hydraulic conditions in the channel. The objectives assumed for the project were achieved. The methodical effect of the works is a large database with data on self-abrasibility of rock material and on physico-chemical and mineralogical properties of waste rock. As a result of the research, preliminary models were developed for forecasting the quantity of mineral material coming from rock particles transported in stream channels that are abraded over specific rolling distances. The testing of the method of laboratory testing of self-abrasibility of the soil skeleton on bedload particles demonstrated that it can be used to forecast the quantity of mineral material transported and deposited in channels of rivers and streams and to determine the degree of weathering. This makes it possible to continue works on other rock formations in mountain areas with different properties and degree of weathering. The acquired knowledge makes it possible to determine parts of catchment areas that are particularly exposed to the harmful effect of water erosion. The project resulted in expansion of knowledge of slope and fluvial processes, which are important in the context of formation of land ecosystems and prevention of erosion phenomena in small mountain catchment areas. A part of the results of the projects have been published and presented during domestic and international conferences.
Summary of bilateral results