Signal Reconstruction in Event-Driven Signal Processing

Project facts

Project promoter:
AGH University of Science and Technology
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 39,056
The project is carried out in:


Conventional signal processing is based on uniform sampling requiring a synchronizing clock which is a major energy consuming element of the architecture and it becomes a main problem in wireless sensor devices with limited battery life, like implantable biomedical devices. On the contrary, the event-driven signal processing is self-timed and forced by temporal changes of the signal. Proposed project focuses on the event-driven signal processing, asynchronous analog-to-digital conversion and application of irregular sampling and frame theory to the signal reconstruction algorithms. Although perfect reconstruction for the event-driven sampler is impossible, the approximate reconstruction procedure can be obtained. The claim of the project is that the proper choice of the frame with respect to the localization properties of the frame operator will allow for further reduction of the computations.

Summary of project results

Conventional signal processing is based on uniform sampling requiring a synchronizing clock which is a major energy consuming element of the architecture and it becomes a main problem in wireless sensor devices with limited battery life, like implantable biomedical devices. On the contrary, the event-driven signal processing is self-timed and forced by temporal changes of the signal. The project focused on the event-driven signal processing, asynchronous analog-to-digital conversion and application of irregular sampling and frame theory to the signal reconstruction algorithms. Although perfect reconstruction for the event-driven sampler is impossible, the approximate reconstruction procedure can be obtained. It was shown that the proper choice of the frame with respect to the localization properties of the frame operator allows for further reduction of the computations. The project was carried out through analytical description of the reconstruction in the irregular setting, elaboration of the algorithms and numerical simulations. Results of this project are of main interest to engineers dealing with specific areas of signal processing. The project was focused on aiding the work of the Principal Investigator, therefore no other partners or beneficiaries were involved.

Summary of bilateral results