Protecting the environment from pollution by the chemical used in conservation of art objects as a result of introducing the laser-based technology.

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Higher School of Artistic Handicraft and Management
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 17,530
The project is carried out in:
Miasto Wrocław


The School educates in Wrocław conservators and restorers of art abjects, who in their professional procedures will be using substantial amunts of required chemicals. Most of these substances pollute the environment. The project aims mainly at increasing the knowledge of students and graduates on the natural environment and climate changes and at extending their professional skills with applications of the environment-friendly techniques to restoration of art objects. Another aspect of the project will show an importance of understanding the natural chemical and geochemical processes, both those running currently and in the past. Still another project segment will show antropogenic impact on natural systems. Last but not least element of the project will familiarize the students with and train them in applications of laser-based instruments (ReNOVALaser series), which have currently been installed in the Laser Laboratory.

Summary of project results

The project is closely associated with the problems of the environment and the climate changes because in a curriculum a particular attention will be paid to the im of chemicals used in restoration of art objects on the environmental pollution. The most often methods use currently various chemicals in initial cleaning procedures. In stone conservation these are chemicals based on hydrofluoric acid or ammonium fluoride. The project was tailored to increase the students’ awareness of the problems of the natural environment and climate changes, and will complete and extend skills of its participants by using laser devices applicable to conservation of art objects, including many valuable historic items. Within the course a number of 12 participants was educated. We introducing the new subject (enclosing lectures and laboratory classes) entitled ”Environment-friendly Technologies in Conservation of Art Objects” into the curriculum of the School. The results of the course, in particular the collections of the artifacts cleaned using the laser-based method, will be on a permanent display at the School facilities and certainly contribute to popularization of the laser method among Lower Silesian conservators and renovators of art objects. The new teaching subject in the School curriculum contributes to extending the knowledge of students and graduates on conservation with the laser method and will provide them with necessary skills to operate such an equipment.

Summary of bilateral results