A philologist for the environment

Project facts

Project promoter:
Philological School of Higher Education in Wroclaw
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 217,895
The project is carried out in:
Miasto Wrocław

More information


The objective of the project is to strengthen WSF development potential through introduction of new courses and modules into the study programme, implementation of innovative teaching methods and tools in the process of education, and an increased awareness of the environment and climate change among WSF students and employees.The project activities addresses the needs of the applicant to introduce a new professional profile to WSF offer, use multimedia and ICT in the process of education, and develop WSF's eco-policy. The project results will include development of the WSF offer by interdisciplinary courses introduced through transfer of knowledge between the partners and implementation of environmental issues into the language course content as well as realization of didactic undertakings employing modern infrastructure of e-learning studio and audiovisual laboratory. Close cooperation between the partners with respect to coordination, evaluation and engagement in content-related activities is planned.

Summary of project results

A Philologist for the Environment project was carried out in cooperation with Sogn og Fjordane University College (HiSF). The main purpose of the project was to extend the educational offer of philological studies with the issues concerning the environment and climate changes and to implement innovative methods and techniques in the educational process. As a result of the project’s implementation, the following objectives were reached: a. a philological teaching staff was prepared to deliver classes related to environmental issues; b. students were prepared to use the knowledge and skills in providing language services at events related to the environment, as well as to use foreign-language sources related to this issue; c. foreign-language teachers were prepared to develop their competence in the area of the inclusion of environmental content in delivering language classes. During the period of the project’s implementation (05.01.2015-31.05.2016), all of the planned objectives were reached. And so: a. A pro-ecological strategy for WSF was described and implemented. b. An e-compendium on environmental issues was created. c. Guidelines for the realization of Languages for special purposes – A man and the environment module were prepared (in Polish and English). d. 24 frame syllabuses for 6 subjects belonging to Languages for special purposes – "A man and the environment" module and 6 frame syllabuses for Topical teaching: Interdisciplinary content in foreign language teaching were prepared (for English/German/Spain/Italian philology). e. Didactic classes within the Languages for special purposes – A man and the environment module and a subject of teaching specialization Topical teaching: Interdisciplinary content in foreign language teaching were delivered (over 1000 hours). f. An e-course book for teaching staff in the field of practical aspects of creating e-learning courses was prepared and implemented. g. 30 e-learning courses from Languages for special purposes – A man and the environment module were prepared and delivered. h. 4 e-dictionaries of foreign languages (English/German/Spanish/Italian) in the field of environmental issues were prepared and implemented. i. A seminar devoted to environmental issues was organized in Norway. j. A seminar summing up the results of the project was organized, with 40 participants.

Summary of bilateral results

Before the implementation of The Philologist for the Environment project, WSF and HiSF already had some experience in cooperation obtained during the effective implementation of other projects. The Philologist for the Environment project engaged in the cooperation specialists and representatives of two highly distinct disciplines – linguistics and environmental protection. Therefore, the implementation of the project strengthened the partnership between the universities and contributed to extending a thematic scope of common works and projects with interdisciplinary issues. Strengthening the partnership and reinforcing the cooperation referred mainly to the following spheres: (a) Using the project’s results: the prepared in English e-compendium on environmental issues (the collection of issues and subjects constituting training resources, supporting the lecturers in planning, delivering and evaluating didactic classes/projects in the field of natural environment) initially designed for WSF teaching staff is used also by lecturers and students of HiSF, which develops also their skills. The fact that both universities use the project’s results contributed to increasing their quality of teaching and made didactic classes more attractive by developing the e-learning component. Moreover, competences of WSH and HiSF staff related to the application of innovative methods and technologies based on ICT in teaching also increased. (b) Spreading the results of the project. (c) Transferring interdisciplinary knowledge, common projects and scientific research: in April 2016 an e-learning specialist from WSF travelled to HiSF in order to exchange his experience with an e-learning specialist from HiSF (i.e. a presentation of good e-learning practices developed during the implementation of The Philologist for the Environment project).