Survey among 982 Final Recipients (FR), 80% interested in participation in training to get practical skills in setting up and running a business AIM I Improving skills ,competences & knowledge of 24 academic teachers Specific Objectives (SO) 1) Increase effectiveness of education for ST thanks to course of English for didactic staff 2) Increase effectiveness of education for ST through their participation in workshops AIM 2 Improving skills, competences & knowledge of 120 STSO 1) Increase effective preparation to set up and run own business through taking part in classes in Polish & English 2) Increase effectiveness of education due to working in small groups and using ICT OUTCOMES programmes of classes didactic textbook handbook of 'Good Practices' course of English webpage SOFT knowledge increase in area of setting up and running own business breaking language barriers by students setting up own business enhancing (English) language potential & learning new skills by didactic Staff.
Summary of project results
Problems to solve: High costs of setting up an international module of studies. Strategic aim of HEI is to prepare students to enter labour market. High percentage of young people have general education and continue studying to get an occupation. Survey among 982 Final Recipients, 80% was interested in participation in training to get practical skills in setting up and running a business. Final result were 120 students of the HEI: 80,57% live in rural or urban-rural Konin Subregion, 15.82% live in Konin, 3.6% - others. Poor preparation for entering on the labour market; high unemployment among people under 25 (Poznań -8,6%, Konin County (CN) - 22,8%, Koło CN - 23,8%, Turek Cn - 20,9%, Słupca CN - 23%. The results of the project should help young people to enter on the labour market, but also to run own business. Aims achieved: - improved skills, competences & knowledge of academic teachers of the HEI through preparing and implementation of pilot academic module „SUSTMAN – Enterpreneurship, sustainable development and manufacturing for students of PWSZ in Konin” in Polish and English - improved skills, competences & knowledge of 120 students of PWSZ in Konin helping them to enter labour market through implementation of new module of studies (classes in Polish and English) - increased effective preparation to set up and run own business through taking part in classes in Polish and English: „Eko-Enterpreneurship”, „Soft Skills and Communication”, „Sustainable development, sustainable production & service” for 120 students - higher effectiveness of education due to working in small groups and using ICT Products: - prepared programs for 3 subjects concerning sustainable development ; - 2 study visits in Norway in institutions dealing with sustainable business; - 2 conferences (7 lectures about sustainable business) with polish and Norway experts; - 2 publications (manual; best practices); - 2 courses (120 hours per course) in Polish and English for 120 students; - 1 workshop in field of sustainability; - 1 seminar dedicated to the sustainable business with Norway experts Project outcome: - 120 students prepared to open and run own business based on eco-innovations; - 15 business plans related to the sustainable business, prepared by project participants; - 7 teachers with increased skills to run courses in English.
Summary of bilateral results