Elaboration of the model of the functioning of the Inter-School of Business at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 161,092
The project is carried out in:


The biggest problem of the region is the high (over 22%) unemployment rate. UWM graduates have little chance of finding a job after graduation. A solution is to stimulate entrepreneurial attitudes and prepare for running your own business. According to the research conducted among students of UWM, more than 30% (among 292 surveyed) would like to run their own company, and over 40% believe their ideas are original. Despite the willingness, students note some barriers: lack of knowledge (7%), lack of funds (19%), and high risk (15%). Extending the offer of education by developing assumptions is an aim of the project for MSP functioning including principles of the sustainable development, which participants will purchase the abilities of the ECOcompany running for. Final starting the school will benefit: establishing ECObusiness, the change of postures and the increase in the eco-awareness among the whole of university teachers, students and the external environment.

Summary of project results

The University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) is the biggest educational center in the region (20000 students), where one of the highest unemployment rate in the country poses a severe challenge to graduates. Compared to other academic regions UWM graduates are less likely to get a job after graduation. The very best solution to improve competitiveness on the labour market is to develop entrepreneurship skills and prepare students to run their own businesses. Thus, the main project goal was to improve the educational offer of UWM in Olsztyn by creating a concept and launching of Multi-Departement School of Enterpreneurship (MSP) at UWM. The functional concept is based on sustainable development. Innovative way to create enterpreneurship behaviour (eco –pro) directly lead to ability to start up Eco-businesses by graduates of UWM. As a direct result of project implementation, university authorities decided to continue activities connected to extension of the educational offer. In 2017 UWM will run the 1st edition of MSP in Olsztyn as the first enterpreneurship school in Poland. Taking into account the project specificity the main aim was to create essential complex documentation of the school of entrepreneurship (i.e. project description; recruitment tools and regulations; MSP candidate profile; MSP graduate profile; Concept of graduate fate examination; MSP evaluation concept; Description of education process containing a) Education module description; b) Coach competence profile; c) Simulation game; d) ECT points regulation; e) Graduation regulations (i.e. technical and formal evaluation criteria, project tools- card, business plan); f) Cases; g) 6 scripts connected to 6 education module; Mentoring process, including a) Process description; b) competence profile; Consultation process, including a) Description of law, economic, ecological and sustainable development consulting; b) Ecological and sustainable development consulting adviser tools; c) Adviser competence profile. An added project value is a study of Marketing strategy of Multi Department School of Entrepreneurship. The main influence of the project on academic society is the promotion of entrepreneurship attitudes among students and doctoral students in accordance with the idea of sustainable development.

Summary of bilateral results