Career guidance open to ecological awareness development of a society

Project facts

Project promoter:
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 86,714
The project is carried out in:
Miasto Warszawa

More information


When advising their clients about career decisions, career counsellors do not have sufficient knowledge about the value of environment and the need to protect it, or the professions and opportunities in this field. J. Moos and E. Ciepucha in the "Changes in education in the context of labor market research " presented an increase in demand for pro-ecological occupations. The project's main objective is for the counsellors to raise environmental awareness and highlight career opportunities. There will be an innovative postgraduate course on this matter prepared. As a result there will be 100 counselors trained in developing ecological awareness during the counseling process. The awareness of counselors will increase through the studies - knowledge of ecology, environmental protection technology (e.g. used in Norway) methodology of environmental awareness development, and active forms of education. The teaching aids prepared for the project will be disseminated in the following academic years.

Summary of project results

The project showcased a new dimension of career counselling and should be continued in order to make professional counselors sensitive to the issues of natural environment. The project also focused on the development of employees and their professional sensitivity. The project showed that counseling is an interdisciplinary field of labour pedagogy, and that is should adapt to the presence of pro-environmental content. This need was highlighted already in 1964, by Tadeusz W. Nowacki, the creator of labour pedagogy. In this way, the project contributed to the creation of the new face of labour pedagogy and to the implementation of concepts by Tadeusz W. Nowacki. The aim of the project was to increase the environmental awareness of career counselors and ultimately increase the awareness of their clients by developing innovative postgraduate program of vocational guidance that would be open to the development of environmental awareness. The main objective has been achieved by making the post-graduate students into good ambassadors of the pro-environmental cause in vocational guidance and its promotion, as well as promotion of pro-environmental attitudes, as an example of high environmental awareness, within various social groups, including those on a local level. The main results of the project have been achieved in the following manner: 1. Preparation of postgraduate programme 2. Preparation of a complete teaching materials set in both electronic and paper version; 3. Increasing environmental awareness among 61 postgraduate students. They showed not only interest in the subject, but actively joined in unique concepts (presentations) that as ambassadors - counselors and authors can promote the development of environmental awareness.

Summary of bilateral results