Development of professional competencies of persons responsible for health education in the context of environmental changes

Project facts

Project promoter:
Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 84,810
The project is carried out in:
Miasto Warszawa


The aim of the project is to train qualified people, who will use the knowledge of human ecology and the principles of healthy nutrition at their work. The project seeks to educate eco-conscious consumers of food, as well as to establish a cooperation with food producers. This will give them a better understanding of the opportunities and risks of organic farming. The objective will be achieved through the preparation of postgraduate studies and workshops curricula in the field of nutrition and dietary support and the influence of the environment on human health. The target group are teachers of different specialties, parents and people involved in nutritional counseling and nutritional assistance for the athletes. The project will finally result in the qualified teaching staff taking action to raise ecological awareness of children, adolescents and adults. The curricula will be used after the project completion, as an educational offer in the field of individual health care.

Summary of project results

It is necessary to increase the level of public awareness on the adverse impact of civilization on the environment and related health consequences for the public. The programme of post-graduate studies and workshops for teachers dealing with health education of children and adults, prepared as part of the project allows to presume that well-prepared personnel will contribute to the development of pro-environmental and pro-health knowledge in society. The project purpose was to provide further training for persons educating children and adults in understanding the effects of environmental factors on their state of health. In order to achieve this objective programmes had been prepared and classes held for post-graduate students taking a subject called “Nutrition and Dietary Support in Sport”. Workshops conducted under the title “The Environment and Human Health” and “Nutrition of Children and Youths” attracted 80 participants. In the course of pursuing tasks co-operation was established with Kujawsko Pomorskie Stowarzyszenie Producentów Ekologicznych ECOŁAN (a local association of organic food producers) and Rysiny organic farm. This collaboration resulted in 3 study visits of students attending post-graduate courses and persons taking part in the workshops. Students contacts with persons engaged in activities aimed at protecting the natural environment and developing organic food production allowed better understanding of pro-environmental issues. 30 persons enrolled for the post-graduate study programme. All of them completed the programme and successfully passed the final examination, receiving post-graduate studies certificates. The “Nutrition of Children and Youths” attracted 20 Physical Education and Biology teachers and 10 parents. All participants completed the entire training cycle and were awarded certificates confirming workshops completion. The participants attending the workshops entitled “The Environment and Human Health” included teachers representing all specialisations who teach classes at schools and during extramural activities (for example, green schools). The entire training cycle was successfully completed by 18 persons and 18 workshops' completion certificates have been issued.

Summary of bilateral results