Greening Tischner European University

Project facts

Project promoter:
Tischner European University
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 115,041
The project is carried out in:
Miasto Kraków


The WSE and FPDS project seeks to integrate environmental topics into programmes in the social and human sciences as a response to the growing demand for green competencies among employers in the public and private sectors in Poland. There is no such offer in the WSE educational offering, which supports the development of green competencies in a way that is integrated into all courses. The goal is to develop optional Eco-Modules, which will supplement programmes open to WSE undergraduates and graduates in all study areas. The new programme will strenghten the competitiveness of graduates by providing new competencies, enabling cooperation with businesses, and at the same time strengthening the position of the University in the educational marketplace. The innovative Eco-Module programme is modelled on the Norwegian Eco-Lighthouse system., whereas accompanying didactic materials (e-learning courses, game, mobile application, casesbook) use Harvard Business School and MIT models.

Summary of project results

The WSE and FPDS project sought to integrate environmental topics into programmes in the social and human sciences as a response to the growing demand for green competencies among employers in the public and private sectors in Poland. The project’s main goal was to develop optional Eco-Modules, which would supplement programmes open to WSE undergraduates and graduates in all study areas and which would build the competitiveness of graduates by providing new competencies, enabling cooperation with business, and at the same time strengthen the position of the University in the educational marketplace. The project fully achieved its set objectives by delivering innovative Eco-Module programmes based on the Norwegian Eco-Lighthouse system and developing accompanying didactic materials. The project delivered the following outputs: - 2 innovative, optional Eco-modules programmes, - a set of accompanying didactic materials including 16 distance-learning courses, 1 card game, 1 mobile application, 1 casebook based on Harvard Business School and MIT methodology, - 2 online tests and 2 post-conference publications (as results of 2 topical conferences), environmental policy standards for TUE. As a result of the project implementation 40 students/young graduates/post-graduate diploma students of TUE were awarded a certificate of "Sustainable development coordinator” and increased their environmental knowledge and awareness through participation in 2 workshops corresponding to 48 hours and 1 workshop x 40 hours. Moreover, 15 TUE staff members increased their competencies as regards environmental and climate issues which are key to ensuring economic growth (1 workshop x 8 hours). A vital component of the project was the preparation of a TUE policy for environmental protection. Finally, 42 conference participants (including representatives of public and private institutions, NGOs, and schools) increased their environmental knowledge and awareness. A wrap-up conference took place in May 2016.

Summary of bilateral results