Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor for economic development and quality of life - an innovative second-degree studies

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Lodz
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 84,695
The project is carried out in:


The environmental changes currently taking place as a result of climate change and human intervention impacts the quality of life, and draws attention to the increased need for environmental monitoring, planning conservation activities and control. Collecting a large number of environmental information requires qualified personnel for analysis. The main aim of the project is to start cross-disciplinary second-degree studies of geoinformation in mutual cooperation between the FGS and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. The specific aims are: to appoint a Program Council and the Business Council, preparation of the course program, education and conference organization. The result will be education of minimum 30 but no more than 60 graduates, consistent with requirements of the labor market and improvement of competence of the teaching staff. The aims will be achieved by developing a program of study, work with practices, training. The benefits will be: increasing the qualifications of graduates, improving the competitiveness of the Lodz Region and cooperation with Norwegian university.

Summary of project results

The primary objective of the project was to launch an attractive and innovative Master’s studies course focusing on Geoinformation at two faculties of the University of Łódź - the Faculty of Geographical Sciences and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, increasing competences of students and academic teachers. The project resulted in the organization of a conference, publication of a book and cooperation with practitioners, entrepreneurs, institutions and universities in Poland was established, providing experience and enabling access to statistical data, maps, equipment, software, etc. Internships for graduates can now be organized in order to teach students how to make a practical use of the theoretical knowledge gained. Geoinformation is promoted as a promising and interdisciplinary discipline, while different GIS tools are applied in everyday life. The outcomes that were achieved include a publication with scientific articles; an innovative study programme on Geoinformation; definition of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and social competences); preparation of syllabi, definition of number of teaching hours and ECTS points; didactical materials in the form of handbooks; an evaluation report; and promotional materials such as leaflets, posters, roll-up, website, promotional campaign in the internet. A combination of knowledge and skills of geographers with the knowledge and skills of IT specialists and mathematicians along with the cooperation with practitioners, has significantly influenced the didactics and the development of the “young” discipline of geoinformation. Through different meetings and events the project has addressed secondary school teachers and students as well. Didactical materials in the form of e-learning courses and handbooks in English were not delivered due to time, personnel and technical difficulties. It is planned to launch specialist English e-learning in the future. One project objective was not achieved - mobilities with Norway did not take place. That said, thanks to the project there is an increased interest in studies combining environmental and IT aspects, intensification of contacts with the economy and commercialization of knowledge.

Summary of bilateral results