Raising the awareness of students of social sciences of environmental and climate change

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Gdańsk
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 44,260
The project is carried out in:


Polish universities rank poorly among European universities, and the University of Gdansk placed rather low in international high education rankings. The Institute of Political Science has not offered any courses in English so far. The project seeks to change this situation. Foreseen as a pilot project, the aim is to enhance international mobility among students and employees, implement modern courses, and as such contribute to setting educational standards based on the best EOSW patterns. The project will raise the quality of teaching at the Institute of Political Science; four modern courses will be introduced to the curriculum, 5 printed publications will be released, international collaboration will be initiated, and 2 conferences on modern didactic tools will be organized. Issues regarding environment and climate change will be included within research and didactics, which is is to be considered an innovative field.

Summary of project results

The project was developed in response to conclusions from analyses pertaining to three areas: global climate change, the challenges of the higher education reform in Poland and the needs of the regional labour market. These analyses have become an inspiration to undertake action to mitigate negative effects of changes taking place in these areas. First, the aim was to contribute to raising awareness among students of social sciences in the field of environment and climate change. Second, the project sought to develop student competences useful on the regional labour market in connection with plans to build a nuclear power plant, renewable energy development and production of shale gas in Pomeranian Province. Third, the goal was to improve the internationalization of research and teaching at the University of Gdansk. The project focused on promotion of educational activities, social sensitivity to changes in the environment and climate change and raising awareness of issues of equality, increasing the scientific and didactic potential of the staff and students of the UG, improving the teaching offer by for instance motivating staff and students to pursue international mobility, and the implementation of modern courses. As a result of the project the team managed to increase the awareness of students of social sciences in the field of environment and climate change; to introduce issues related to environmental protection, energy issues and equality to the curriculum of social science fields of study; prepare 5 publications; conduct courses, workshops, conferences and seminars; and establish contact with Norwegian researchers. In total, the project has resulted in 2 conferences, 2 lectures, 2 workshops; the introduction of 4 subjects to the curricula of political science and national security fields of studies; the preparation of 5 books, 2 reports, and 3 films promoting the theme of the project. In total, 338 people took part in the activities, including 128 people who completed courses created under the project; 112 people who participated in the conferences; 35 in the workshop; and 63 in the lectures that took place in 2015 during the BFN.

Summary of bilateral results