Green Controlling and Finance - the innovative program of postgraduate studies

Project facts

Project promoter:
Poznań University of Economics
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 155,331
The project is carried out in:
Miasto Poznań


Over 80% of companies have a negative impact on the environment, and over 60% don’t see the problem ("Eco-innovation in Poland. Present condition. Barriers of development, support capabilities", IBN'12). According to the EP’s directive from 15.04.2014, big companies will be obliged to reveal complex non-financial info. A response to the new challenges is the implementation of „Green controlling”- an integrated management system combining aspects of sustainable development with financial controlling. Adapting the program of Poznan University of Economics to the requirements of the economy through the develop. and implement. of innovative postgraduate studies and courses is the main goal. Particular objectives: a permanent introduction of the studies and courses in the curriculum and dissemination of knowledge about green controlling in academic and business communities (workshops, publications, conferences) which will increase qualifications in the job market, spread knowledge and strengthen the internationalization of PUE.

Summary of project results

According to literature data, over 80% of companies have a negative impact on the environment [IBN 2012] and only 45% consider the environmental consequences when making crucial decisions [PARP 2012]. Based on the European Parliament’s directive from 2014, big enterprises will be obliged to reveal complex non-financial information starting in 2017. A response to the new challenges is the implementation of “green controlling” – an integrated management system combining aspects of sustainability development with financial controlling. The overall project aim – to increase the quality of education in the field of green controlling and finance was achieved fully, resulting in improving the qualifications, knowledge and awareness of students, employees, academics and entrepreneurial actors - improving business sustainability. The project developed a program and started postgraduate studies and two course editions "Green Controlling & Finance", which 30 and 46 people completed, respectively. Moreover, Poznań University of Economics and Business have started recruitment for the next edition of postgraduate studies (opened in May 2016). Two editions of Comarch ERP software Optima workshops were organized (planned for 30 participants), and attended by 42 people. Seven open lectures within the project enjoyed the attention of more than 500 participants. In addition, during the project development four books were published (two in Polish and two in English) titled "Green controlling and finance. The theoretical basis. "and" Green controlling and finance. Case studies." On 17-18.05.2016 a final conference summarizing the project was attended by more than 100 student, academic staff and business representatives. Based on the data mentioned above the overall aim of the project was achieved. Within the project’s main beneficiaries their level and quality of education (at major: organization management) was increased. The particular objectives were also achieved: 1. introduction of studies and courses to a permanent program, 2. improving the qualifications of more than 70 participants of studies and courses, 3. increasing the awareness of the academic and business community about the benefits from green controlling, 4. improving social awareness on environment protection as an element of an integrated management, 5. increasing qualifications on the ERP software of 42 people.

Summary of bilateral results