The implementation of innovative programs and forms of education in telemedicine engineering at University of Technology and Life Sciences

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz
Project Number:
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Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 100,518
The project is carried out in:

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The development of new technologies generates new engineering occupations. As a result UTP decided to extend its offer in education. Development of telemedicine (TM) requires specialists in this field that are able to use TM equipment. Nowadays no univiveristy in Poland offers such a specialization although market and marketing research show significant interest. The project aims to increase the scientific potential of UTP by setting up the first TM engineering center in Poland, based on Norwegian systems and the development of education in this area, which is based on innovation in content and form of the studies, in particular by creating or introducing: -specialization “Engineering TM” -Modular system of education -Lectures within “distance education” system -a tutor -Transition project - publication of 6 textbooks, organization of 3 seminars, conferences and lectures of visiting professors. This will improve the position of UTP and increase the scope of the internationalization of the UTP.

Summary of project results

The progress in telemedicine requires innovative hardware, tele-IT systems and software. In order to design and implement telemedicine applications, IT systems, and technical infrastructure in telemedicine applications we need specialists that are capable of constructing, producing and supervising these products. These qualified professionals must possess knowledge and practical skills in effective and safe maintenance of highly complex telemedicine hardware during daily routine surveillance. This was the project background of launching telemedicine as the second level of education of biomedical engineering, at a time when no Polish university offered such a specialization. To achieve this aim innovative educational tools within telemedicine engineering were prepared and implemented, specifically a system of modular, distance education. Tutors mentoring each student in the process of individual development were appointed. In the last semester minor projects were realized by groups of 3-4 students. These projects were based on multidisciplinary co-operation and consulted with specialists of various scientific provenience. The final products consist of: 6 academic books published (covering 160 issues each) and 2 brochures summarizing the project (500 copies each). Three 3-day open seminars on current and perspective of telemedicine in Poland and worldwide were organized. Six lectures were given by visiting professors – experts in telemedicine from Poland, Norway, Malawi, Spain and the USA . As one of the project outputs 22 MSc students graduated in telemedicine engineering (3 more are in the final process); the prestige of the university has risen while more Polish and international scientific and practical contacts were established. Another result of the project is the paper (160 copies) from the Final Conference. During the conference, lectures and panels summarizing the current and future of telemedicine in Poland and worldwide were held, the barriers in the process of treatment and control of pro health attitudes with the help of telemedicine were discussed. The best MSc students presented their dissertations, the students expressed their opinions on the educational process. The status of Polish-Norwegian co-operation in telemedicine and further developments in the field were also summarized.

Summary of bilateral results