Project facts

Project promoter:
Torun School of Banking
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 150,381
The project is carried out in:


“DEVELOPMENT OF MANAGERIAL SKILLS” is a general, non-specialised subject. Educational games are considered by management students as the most effective method of learning [“Assessment of effectiveness of teaching methods and tools using in WSB”, 2013]. Studies have shown that learning through practical exercises helps to absorb on a permanent basis 75% of the studied material [“Enterprise Education Experience” Durham University Business School]. The target group will include 270 students of weekend studies, 50 full-time students attending the new subject during the project implementation period (estimated number of 3rd year students (2015/2016) according to the enrollment plan for the first year (2013/2014), taking into account a standard drop-out rate of 15%), 40 full-time students in the pilot group.The new subject will be permanent: it will be included in the standard educational offer. After completion of the project, the subject will be financed from WSB’s funds, partially from student fees.

Summary of project results

The project was a response to a low standard of practical soft skills in the range of managerial skills of first year of bachelor’s level students in Management studies. The reasons for such condition were traced to insufficient didactical methods that occurred at our institution, which should provide practical skills during lectures. Another matter was the inadequate number of practical courses in our education path training students’ practical soft skills. The decision game, which was developed within the project, constitutes new practical instrument of training students’ soft skills. This introduction of a new subject, in a form of a game, increased the practical education offer in Management studies. The decision game, established within the project, constitutes the new, original tool of soft skills training for students, which translates to an increase in the number of participatory teaching methods used at the university. It involved areas of company management and soft and managerial skills training. The syllabus was established into the subject. The decision game as a subject was implemented into 3rd year educational path in our Management studies. Papers were published as part of the projects final conference. Thanks to this fact , the project increased the practicality of training at WSB University in Toruń. Soft skills management competence was raised for 191 3rd year students (bachelor’s level of Management studies). The results achieved are part of an important trend at the University of increasing the number of participatory teaching methods. In addition, the preparation of the English language version of the game (which was not originally assumed, the amendment was added in the process) will give the possibility of greater use of games in education offerings (among others: to educate students participating in the Erasmus exchange).

Summary of bilateral results