The project responds to the need to modernise the IGSM MSc study programme, and its adjustment to the contemporary job market that demands qualified users of spatial information. The project aims first to set up an innovative study programme: e-spatial management which combines fields of traditional spatial management and geoinformatics, and also to elaborate universal learning modules for MSc studies (GEOINFO, MARKET, SCIENCE). Main outcomes of the project are the new study programme and learning modules in Polish and English, available on the university e-learning platform. They will be created by the project team gathering academic staff of IGSM with long educational experience. Besides, the project will enhance IGSM staff qualifications through intensive courses. Project dissemination will increase the interest of potential candidates and the role of academic geography in educating professionals highly valued at the contemporary job market.
Summary of project results
The project responded to the need of modernization of the MSc study programme in the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management (IGSM), Jagiellonian University, and its adjustment to the contemporary job market that demands qualified users of spatial information. The demand for highly qualified alumni in this field is high. The project aimed to set up an innovative 2-year MSc study programme: e-spatial management combining fields of traditional spatial management and geoinformatics. Main outcomes of the project were the new study programme (including its full legal documentation, e.g., learning effects, study plan, course syllabi) and learning modules (21), available either via the university e-learning platform or as standard teaching materials. Besides, the project enhanced the IGSM staff qualifications through intensive courses (e-learning in education, 33 participants in total, English language training, 20 participants in total). Project dissemination activities using traditional channels (education fares, open days, advertisements in newspapers) and social media (e.g., Facebook) were used to increase the interest of potential candidates to carry out the studies in IGSM, in consequence of the dissemination activities various promotional materials were prepared (leaflets, posters, PowerPoint presentations). One paper explaining the concepts and achievements of the project was submitted to the journal "Roczniki Geomatyki". A final project conference was organized. Various project aspects were explained in the final project publication. The new study programme was officially launched on October 1st, 2015, following its acceptance by the Senate of the Jagiellonian University in December 2014. The study programme now runs in parallel to the formerly established geography study programme. 38 students were accepted for the first intake (maximum level was set to 50 in the project). As of now, students have classes foreseen for the second semester of the study programme. Their progress and remarks are continuously monitored by the appointed study programme leader. The study programme was also awarded a prize (March 2016) in the national competition called ‘Studies with future’.
Summary of bilateral results