The objective of the project is to stop in a selected area the negative trends described above. It is culture, art, artists, writers and musicians that have always been more open and tolerant. Scientific and cultural initiatives united rather than divided. The project show the value of each of the cultures and to improve relations between the nations of Europe. The project will benefit wide range of Poles and Norwegians with an emphasis on socially engaged citizens incl. academics, civic journalists, local activists, bloggers, artists involved socially and politically, foreigners. The Main events in the project: a two-days conference, composers' competition, competition for a work in the field of widely understood videoart, presentation of commissioned works in the form of installations in the public space, concerts in two cities (Poland and Norway).
Summary of project results
The objective of the project was to stop in a selected area the negative trends described above. It is culture, art, artists, writers and musicians that have always been more open and tolerant. Scientific and cultural initiatives united rather than divided. The project showed the value of each of the cultures and to improved relations between the nations of Europe. The project was benefit wide range of Poles and Norwegians with an emphasis on socially engaged citizens incl. academics, civic journalists, local activists, bloggers, artists involved socially and politically, foreigners. The Main events in the project was: a two-days conference, composers' competition, competition for a work in the field of widely understood videoart, presentation of commissioned works in the form of installations in the public space, concerts in two cities (Poland and Norway).
Summary of bilateral results
Partner – Trondheim Symphony Orchester - content related role was to search for Norwegian experts to participate in project and to sit on jury; promotion of the idea of project and competitions in the circle of potential participants; holding the concert in Krakow. Organizational role was preparation and logistics of concert production in Trondheim; coordination of activities of Internet platform on the Norwegian side; coordination and implementation of promotional activities carried out in Norway, financial role: clearing of individual project activities carried out in Norway.