"Materia Prima" is a unique project on a European scale of an interdisciplinary and complex character. Form Theatre is the key issue of the project - as opposed to the dramatic theater. Form Theatre is much less known and popularized in Poland, Norway and in other European countries.The goal is a largescale popularization of this phenomenon.The project emphasizes geographic and species diversity in the issues of form theater. It is a novel area of artistic exchange within the Polish, Norwegian and wider European tradition of the form theater and its originality consists in that. The project will be conducted in Poland (Kraków, Wrocław, Rzeszów) and Norway (Bergen). Within the project 46 events are planned, incl. conferences, shows of the 12 world renowned theatres of the form theater coming from the different countries of Europe, outdoor events, workshops, exhibitions and film screenings. The target groups are theatre specialists, theorists, professional dancers, students and young adults.
Summary of project results
In the frame of the Project 53 events were organized, incl. theatre performances, workshops, meetings with artists, scientific conferences, exhibitions, promotional outdoor events, films projections, fine-art competition. There were 134 artists from Poland and abroad involved in the Project, the number of recipients of all events was 15 987 people. All index values anticipated were achieved, and in some cases exceeded (for example number of events in the frame of the Project or number of copies/circulation of info-promotional materials). All aims of project have been achieved, as mentioned: 1) the high attendance is a proof of wide interest and it is documenting the anticipated aim of popularization of the form theatre; additionally most of theaters were performing in Poland for the first time, 2) anticipation of foreign theatres in the Project and managing of the wide list of additional events, like workshops, discussions or exhibitions have stressed the diversity of the form theatre, 3) the project realization made Polish-Norwegian cooperation closer, also by raising professional competences of people involved in Project’s realization. There is a big chance that the cooperate with Partners during next editions of the Festival will appear. The same Artists might be invited again to take part in next editions of the Festival or involved into organization of additional events as conferences, debates, workshops or presentations about form and visual theater. To be in touch with prestigious theatres and representatives of foreign institutions allows for permanent exchange of experiences and it might have influence on professional development of culture sector employee in future in Poland and abroad. The activities taken during the project realization were neutral for environment. The applicant has kept balanced development in economical aspect, and all material and non-material stocks were distributed in effective and efficient way. During the realization of the activities the applicant made all information to be delivered to the most wide possible group of recipients, also every person interested could take part in the events (such activities aim is to abolish social and economic gaps according to common chance policy). All events where planned in the way not to disturb the principle of sex equality. According to his own experience the applicant during all of his activities followed the practice of good management.
Summary of bilateral results
During Project realization the Beneficiary was in permanent contact with Partners, he has been consulting with them all important issues concerning cooperation, it allowed to keep very good relationships and tighten this cooperation. Thank to cooperation with the Partner - Carte Blanche it was possible to make Polish –Norwegian cooperation tighten, also by raising professional competences of all people involved in Project’s realization.