The international premiere of the simultaneous production of KonTiki at the Film Music Festival (FMF) in Krakow came into being in response to the problem areas that have been identified: lack of full use of inter-institutional cooperation between Poland and Norway in terms of film music; lack of innovation in culture and insufficient cultural education. The aim of the project is to broaden the scope and provide international promotion of cultural events and activities, increase the mobility of artists and their participation in culture, propagate ecological issues, provide innovation in terms of the programme and production of cultural events, encourage young composers to debut, integrate the audiovisual industry. Apart from the two main concerts in Krakow and Trondheim, educational projects for adults, teenagers, and children – academies, workshops and meetings with the production’s creators and experts on ethnography and anthropology will take place. Partnership with the Kosmorama Trondheim International Film Festival was established in order to promote and develop film also through music.
Summary of project results
The international premiere of the simultaneous production of KonTiki at the Film Music Festival (FMF) in Krakow came into being in response to the problem areas that have been identified: lack of full use of inter-institutional cooperation between Poland and Norway in terms of film music; lack of innovation in culture and insufficient cultural education. The aim of the project was to broaden the scope and provide international promotion of cultural events and activities, increased the mobility of artists and their participation in culture, propagated ecological issues, provided innovation in terms of the programme and production of cultural events, encouraged young composers to debut, integrated the audiovisual industry. Apart from the two main concerts in Krakow and Trondheim, educational projects for adults, teenagers, and children – academies, workshops and meetings with the production’s creators and experts on ethnography and anthropology took place. Partnership with the Kosmorama Trondheim International Film Festival was established in order to promote and develop film also through music.
Summary of bilateral results
The partnership was crucial in the implementation of this project. The Partners’ role was to cooperate on the development of the concept and presentation of the concert, supervise implementation, and provide expertise in the project’s promotion. The partnership contributed to increase the active participation of citizens in culture and encourage innovation in culture – the simultaneous production presents the latest trends and technologies of film production and special effects. The cultural offer presented under the project contributed to strengthening bilateral relations.