Conservatory and building works at Holy Virgin Mary Church at Castle Museum

Project facts

Project promoter:
Malbork Castle Museum
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 3,877,467
The project is carried out in:


Identified problems to be answered by the project: - the present lack of possibility of sightseeing the church in winter season - constant degradation of Medieval figure - Holy Virgin Mary The main aim of the project is to conduct conservatory and building works in the Church of Our Lady in the High Castle at Malbork Castle. It is expected to achieve following results: -reconstructed castle to its original form for the tourists -reconstructed historical architectural space to its authentic form from before the war destruction -new exhibition space -improved technical quality of the object -broadened knowledge about the building history – possible historical research The project implementation will increase tourits’ interest in the low season (the church will be accessible to tourist all year round) and protect the Medieval figure of Holly Virgin Mary from further degradation (thanks to proper protection during conservatory works). Target groups: tourists; local/regional/supra-regional community; local/district/province government; entrepreneurs; scientists; student.

Summary of project results

The stated objectives of the project have been achieved. The main aim of the project was to conduct conservatory and building works in the Church of Our Lady in the High Castle at Malbork Castle. Project implementation allowed to achieve following results: reconstruction castle to its original form, reconstruction historical architectural space to its authentic form from before the war destruction, new exhibition space, improvement of technical quality of the objects, broadened knowledge about the building history, historical research. New exhibition space was adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. New offer is dedicated to all planned target groups: tourists; local and regional communities ; local/district/province government; entrepreneurs; scientists; student. The project implementation allowed to increase tourits’ interest in the low season (the church is now accessible to tourist all year round) and to protect the Medieval figure of Holly Virgin Mary from further degradation by proper conservatory works. The project implementation allowed a protection of cultural heritage powered by the best technical solutions. Project also contributed to the development of Malbork and the region by increasing the tourism potential. Work of the Museum and multilingual contacts with foreign visitors experience have shown the necessity to revise the previous activities. This concerned mainly the educational activities which main topic was the medieval buildings construction. This was the case of developing new scenarios of English version museum lessons, following Norwegian partners suggestions and experiences gained during the project. These objectives have been achieved. Mutual sharing of experience included international conference (18- 19.09.2015): "St. Mary's Castle Church complex preservation and construction works compared to other preservation works in Baltic Region and Norway”. Museum Sunnhordland and historical monument of Halsthe nøy monastery employees (8 persons) took part in a study visit to Malbork - 19-23.10.2015. Participants visited MZM and also Kwidzyn,Gniew,Frombork,Kadyny,Elbląg,Gdańsk. MZM (8 persons) study visit to Norway took place 9-13.05.2016 in Stord, Halsnøy, Rosendal, Bergen. 20 persons have been involved in carrying out the project - 8 on both MZM and Sunnhordland Museum partner side and 4 external experts. The essential experience in the area of carrying out the future activities and educational projects has been gained. The differences between historical monuments preservation methods in Norway and Poland have been examined.

Summary of bilateral results

The objective of the bilateral cooperation was to accompany the infrastructural part of project with additional activities aiming at exchange of knowledge and good practices. The bilateral cooperation resulted in international conference on conservation and construction works in Malbork as well as 2 study visits, one visit to Norway and one visit of Norwegian partner to Poland. All the expected outcomes have been achieved. 20 experts were involved and many external participants took part in the conference. The partner took an active role in the conference presenting results of conservation works held at the Halsnoy Monastery. 8 experts representing the partner took part in the meetings held during the study visits to Poland and Norway. The cooperation may be continued in the future.