Conservation and Restoration of the 14th-century Castle in Lidzbark Warmiński – the Pearl of Gothic architecture in Poland – stage II

Project facts

Project promoter:
Museum of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 2,684,203
The project is carried out in:


Identified problems to be answered by the project: -progressing degradation of the site of the castle -limited access to the site and its collections -limited means for conservation of exhibits The direct objective of the project is: to increase the access to a high-quality cultural and education offer to diverse audience groups and to protect cultural. The project involves renovation and conservation works aimed at preserving and protecting the castle from degradation and also making new exposition spaces. Selection of high-quality cultural and education activities is planned to be available inside the historic interiors of the castle for a broad target audience group. The project includes conservation of portable historic objects and digitalization of heritage artefacts and exhibits. Target groups: children; youth; polish and foreign tourists; local minorities; people at risk of social exclusion.

Summary of project results

Implementation of the project was the answer to the following problems as: progressing degradation of the historical material substance of the castle; limited access to the site and the collections for wide audiences; exposure of the object and the collection to a significant threat; limited means for conservation of exhibits; non-compliance with the principles and guidelines for museum storage conditions; limited presentation possibilities of the historical polychrome; lack of an educational path; poor conditions for the development of new forms of cultural activities and cultural education; limited possibilities for international cooperation. The direct objective of the project was to increase the access to a high-quality cultural and education offer to diverse audience groups and to protect cultural heritage. The undertaken refurbishment and conservation works resulted in preserving the castle from degradation. The project included also making new exhibition spaces and exhibition, cultural and education activities available inside the historical interiors for a broad audience group (13 events), together with the conservation of movable historical artefacts (13 exhibits) digitalisation and creation of the virtual castle space. The project enabled participation of broad audience group in high-quality cultural and education program; protection of the historical substance and the movable historical artefacts against the progressing degradation; reduction of social disparities resulting from inadequate access to attractive offer and cultural education; adaptation of the offer to the needs of people with disabilities; protecting and promoting the culture, tradition and cultural heritage; promotion of the museum; improvement of the cultural and educational offer and cooperation with institutions at home and abroad; reduction of the maintenance costs of degraded infrastructure and the costs of immediate refurbishments. The project implementation allowed a lasting protection of cultural heritage powered by the best technical, construction and conservation solutions; modernization of the building in correspondence with the safety standards; enrichment of the cultural offer. It contributed to the development of Lidzbark Warmiński and the region by increasing the investment and tourism potential. The project upheld common values and tradition improving social competencies by addressing new cultural and educational offer to a wide group of recipients (increase by 70% by number of sightseers).

Summary of bilateral results

The implementation of the joint initiative within Bilsateral Cooperation Fund led to a mutual reinforcement of connections both on an intellectual and cross-cultural level. Mutual study visits and joint conference allowed an exchange of thoughts, practice and expertise. The bilateral exchange has enriched the knowledge of the conservation methods and ethical approaches in the subject of maintenance and restoration both in Norway and Poland. Specialists in a field had an excellent chance to enrich their knowledge and compare observations about conservation practices used in Norway to those used in Poland. The exchange allowed both teams to be acquainted with historical, emotional and scientific context of the cultural heritage presence in Warmia and Bergen. Thanks to mutual consult and exchange of the information about the latest conservation practice and the implementation of the newest technological solutions the partnership strengthened bilateral relations. The catalogue published as a final step of a collaboration emphasizes the educational value of the project and summarizes the cooperation in detail. It is available to a wider audience.