The main aim of the project is to increase availability to high-quality neurological rehabilitation for people after strokes and other acute brain incidents and to long-term care services. The scope of the project includes: construction and modernization works, purchase of medical equipment and a number of non-investment actions such as conducting trainings for medical staff, education and promotion. One of the key components of the project is creating an innovative ergotherapy unit, enabling effective rehabilitation of the disabled, including people after acute brain incidents. Ergotherapy allows to increase patients’ motor skills and self-reliance. Apart from typical physiotherapy, ergotherapy offers practical solutions enabling patients to maintain personal hygiene, prepare meals and perform other everyday activities. Target group: elderly and dependent people as well as medical staff.
Summary of project results
The main aim of the project is to increase availability to high-quality neurological rehabilitation for people after strokes and other acute brain incidents and to long-term care services. Direct target group includes patients after acute brain incidents requiring neurological rehabilitation, the elderly (over 60 years) and dependent people, requiring long-term care; medical staff and families of people after strokes and other acute brain incidents and elderly people requiring care. The aim of the project was successfully achieved by the implementation of the following actions: - construction works - modernization of the old part of the building, - establishment of a modern ergotherapy unit, - purchase of medical equipment and fittings, - conducting trainings for medical staff, - organization of educational meetings for families taking care of the elderly and dependent people, - project management and information and promotion actions. One of the key components of the project is the establishment of an innovative ergotherapy unit, enabling effective rehabilitation of the disabled, including people after acute brain incidents. Ergotherapy allows to increase patients’ motor skills and self-reliance. Conducting construction works and purchase of medical equipment and fittings allowed to increase quality and availability of modern neurological rehabilitation services and long-term care. Information and promotion actions as well as educational meetings increased society’s knowledge and practical skills in the area of care of the elderly and dependent people. The project implementation results therefore in increasing the quality of life of patients after strokes and other acute brain incidents and improving health condition of the elderly. During 5-year project durability period the Beneficiary will continue educational and information and promotion actions, by e.g. updating project’s website.
Summary of bilateral results